Being Alone With Brennan

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You were in your room putting away your clothes when your mom walked in.

Y/M: "Y/N I have a question to ask you can I come in?"

Y/N: "You can come in and what is it?"

Y/M: "Would you like to help Brennan house sit for Miss Jill and Mister Mike while they're out on a business trip?"

Y/N: "Sure but where are Katie and Ryan gonna be?"

Y/M: "Miss Jill told me that Katie is gonna he at Annie's house and she's going on vacation with Annie and her family and as for Ryan he's gonna be at his friends house and he's also going on a vacation with his family so it'll just be you and Brennan at the house. Are you up for it?"

Y/N: "Oh ok and yes I'm up for it."

Y/M: "Well pack some clothes and stuff and I'll get the car and bring it around front and we'll leave."

Y/N: "Ok."

Your mom brought the car around to the front of your house and then you got into the drivers seat and you were on your way to go spend the night with Brennan. When you got to their house you saw that they were waiting for you.

Katie: "Y/N your here."

Y/N: "Yes I am and I'm gonna house watch for you and your parents."

Katie: "Awesome. Well we're fixing to leave so I'll call you as soon as I get to Annie's and when we get to our hotel I'll FaceTime you."

Y/N: "Ok have fun tell Annie I said hi."

Katie: "I will bye."

Y/N: "Bye."

After you said bye to Katie you saw Miss Jill.

M/J: "Y/N I heard that you have your license so I left some money and a list for groceries in a plastic bag laying by the sink and you can do whatever you want just please don't leave after dark."

Y/N: "Yes I do and I'll get the groceries and I promise we won't leave after dark you can trust me. I'll make sure the porch light is on until we go to sleep and I'll make sure the doors and windows are locked and I'll make sure that everything is put away. Now go and have fun on that business trip."

M/J: "Ok goodbye and thank you so much."

Y/N: "Goodbye and your welcome."

After they left you saw Brennan by the fridge and that gave you the opportunity to scare him. You turned around and you scared him then you started laughing really hard.

Brennan: "Y/N you scared me it's not funny."

Y/N: "Oh I think it was quite funny."

Brennan and you finally stopped laughing. Then you decided to go to the living room and watched a movie. You decided to watch the penguins of Madagascar because you love that movie. After the movie was over you guys went to the store. When you got to the store and got what you needed you got into the check out line and an old lady tapped you on the shoulder.

O/L: "Are you guys dating? You young kids look cute together."

Brennan: "No ma'am but thank you."

O/L: "Your welcome Dearie."

The walk to the car after y'all checked out was awkward and you didn't really know what to talk about. The ride back to his house was quiet also. When you guys got home you unlocked the door and then you helped Brennan unload the groceries into the house and then put them away. You were kinda getting tired and you started to yawn.

Y/N: "Hey Brennan I'm starting to get tired um I'll go put on my pjs."

Brennan: "Ok."

You went to Katie's room and out on your pj's then come out and saw that Brennan was on the phone with someone and you didn't know who. Until you heard the other person from the other line start talking and you knew that it was his friend Caleb.

Brennan: "Hey dude."

Caleb: "Sup dude."

Brennan: "You know Y/N right?"

Caleb: "Yeah why?"

Brennan: "Well we were in the checkout line at the store and this old lady asked if we were dating."

Caleb: "What did you tell her?"

Brennan: "I said no."

Caleb: "Bro it sounds like you really like Y/N."

Brennan: "I do but I can't tell her right now."

Caleb: "Do it later so you can give yourself time to think about it."

Brennan: "Ok I will thx bro."

Caleb: "Your welcome."

Brennan: "Bye."

Caleb: "Bye."

You were surprised that he liked you back because you've always liked him your just good at hiding your feelings when your in front of him. Now you have to work up the courage to tell him that you like him. But you don't know how but you'll eventually think of something.

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