Your Cousin Gives Birth

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You and your mom made up but you still weren't living with her. It was @10:00pm when you got a phone call from your lovely mother.

*Ringing Ringing*

Y/N: "Hello."

Y/M: "Hey."

Y/N: "Hey mom how's Sydne?"

Y/M: "Well I have a text from aunt Mel."

Y/N: "What did she say?"

Y/M: "She said that Sydne went into labor and invited us to come to the hospital."

Y/N: "Are you gonna be able to make it to the hospital mom?"

Y/M: "I'm not gonna be able to make it because I'm sick but I told her that you would come."

Y/N: "Ok well feel better and I'll send you a picture of the baby."

Y/M: "Alright I love you Y/N bye Brennan."

Y/N: "I love you too bye mom."

Brennan: "Bye Y/M. So what's happening?"

Y/N: "Well I'm gonna head to the hospital so I can see my cousin and my aunt are you gonna come meet the baby?"

Brennan: "Yea let's go."

You guys started vlogging the whole way to the hospital and by the time you got to the hospital your cousin wanted you there in the room with her because her friend couldn't make it and your other aunt fell ill. She's met Brennan several times and he was in the room with you. You held your cousin's hand as she gave birth. You were happy for her and your whole family. Finally when her daughter was born you were so happy that you started crying and you and Brennan got pics to show the fam when they get back. Your cousin and Brennan started talking about building home baby stuff.

Sydne: "Hey Brennan I know your dating my cousin but do you think you and your dad and your little brother could help me build some stuff for my daughter Addy?"

Brennan: "Sure we would be happy to help."

Sydne: "Thank you so much Brennan I love you."

Brennan: "I love you too Sydne."

You and Brennan got to hold Addy and she took pics and you and Brennan got some pics as well. You talked to her some more and then you and Brennan decided to go back home. When you got into the car you and Brennan ended the vlog. When you got back to his house you guys went straight to bed but your happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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