Please leave me alone.!

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I put my phone in my pocket. "Hey Pretty Mama, wanna come hang with us?" The tall one with chocolate brown eyes said. "In your little dreams, now go fuck off, bitch." I tried to sound confident, even though on the inside I was terrified. "Well that's gonna be a problem. You see I like things to go my way, and if they don't people tend to get hurt." He wrapped his arm around me pulling a black knife around my neck. I was holding back so many tears. The other  guy sped up to the front of the tall one. He was basically dragging me.

I'm really getting kidnapped, my worst and biggest fear is coming true, and I'm doing absolutely nothing about it.

I looked down and I noticed his knife is back in his pocket.

Here's my chance.

I bit his arm has hard as I can, he screamed and dropped me on my head causing to scrape my forehead on the hard sidewalk. The short one with green piercing eyes tried to grab my legs, but I kicked him in the dick. He fell on his side yelling 'I'm going to throw up' I got up, got dropped my bag and sprinted as fast as I can. I haven't ran in months, and my ankle was killing me but my life was in possible danger. I sure did not regret being in track for six years. In fact, I loved to run, it was stress reliever. I felt something drip on the corner of my forehead.

Wow, I'm sweating already?

I wiped my forehead with my sleeve. In the corner of my eyes I noticed that it wasn't sweat it was blood. I knew I had hit my head, but u didn't think it was this bad.I started to freak out even more that I was, and I started to sprint even faster. Blood was streaming down my face like tears, my vision started to fade. Im goning to black out any second.I looked behind me to see if they were still chasing me, and as far as I could see they were gone. I turned back around and bumped into two more guys. At first I thought it was them, so I started crying begging for mercy and for them not to hurt me. Not only was I crying because I was scared out of my mind, I couldn't breath I was out of breath, my head hurt so bad, and my ankle was killing me. I calmed down a little and I figured out it wasn't them, but I was still freaking. I knew I was going to black out any second now. "The-th-they they a-a-ar-are af-after m-m-me." I said in between breaths and sobs. I never had so many emotions at once. I was pretty sure that I was hallucinating and I'm just imagining them there. "Shh, calm down, who's after you." The one with bright blue eyes trying to calm me down by rubbing my back said. He looked very familiar but I couldn't get where he was from. The tall one with brown eyes came over to me and touched my forehead. "Woah dude, we need to get her to the hospital right now!"That's the last thing I heard. All my weight was know the blue eyed guy. I tried to stand up but I fell over causing me to pass out. 

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