Chapter 6 - Unexpected Surprise

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Chapter 6 – Unexpected Surprise

*Paloma’s POV*

Niall finished What Makes You Beautiful. He sounded amazing. “Thanks, Niall” I said as he wiped my tears away. “I’m sorry for freaking out back there, but Jennifer has always had a problem with me when I have something that she doesn’t have that makes me happy.”

“Don’t worry about it, I know the feeling.”

“You do?”

“Let’s just say that I have an ex-best friend of my own.”

“You do, what happened?”

“That’s another story for another time.”

“If you say so.” I smiled. It was so nice to have Niall here, I loved my girlfriends but they just couldn’t understand what I was feeling, it was nice to have someone who did.

All of a sudden, a jolt of pain shot through my skull. I winced.

“Are you okay?” Niall asked, concerned.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” I gritted my teeth while trying to give a reassuring grin.

“Are you sure? Is your head hurting again? I swear, Louis did not deserve to get off that easy.”

“No, trust me, I’m fine. If I was in a lot of pain, you would know.”

“Okay…” he said sounding a little unconvinced.

“Let’s go back inside, yeah?”

“Sure, I mean, we are the life of the party after all.” He winked.

“All Irish are then, huh?” I smirked.

“Nah, just me.”


He took my hand. I smiled and he winked at me. With our hands intertwined, we made our way inside. If only I could feel this happy all the time.

*Camila’s POV*

“Hey Harry, do you know where those two went?”

“No, I haven’t seen them since Paloma ran out. Sorry, love.”

“THERE THEY ARE!” Louis bellowed.

Paloma and Niall walked in, hand in hand with a smile on either face.

“Hey guys!” Paloma said. She murmured something into Niall’s ear and then came up to meet us.

“If you wouldn’t mind Harry love,” Paloma started, “I’m in desperate need of some girl talk. So to put it most politely, leave.”

“All right, all right, I’m going but I do need to warn you that I’ll get it out of one of you, one way or another. I also expect to know all the dirty details on this hot Jennifer person.”

Paloma’s face darkened. I also felt my chest clench in….what? Jealousy? Honestly I couldn’t be jealous of other girls already, I barely even knew Harry. I shook my head, I am refusing to be smitten by someone who has practically every girl falling all over him.

“Shut up Styles.” Paloma growls.

“Whoa there, keep the claws in. I was only joking.”

Harry sauntered off to meet the rest of the boys.

Krystah immediately snapped her eyes back to Paloma. “Spill.”

“Oh please, there’s absolutely nothing to spill.” She giggled mischievously.

“Oh come on, you expect us to believe that?”

“Well…” she began, “He sang to me and-“

“Wait, hold up. Niall Horan sang to you?” Krystah almost shrieked.

“Omigodhowdidhesound?!” I screeched.

A few people in the club turned around and gave us weird looks.

“Firstly, tone it down a bit if you don’t mind. Secondly, English please. Thirdly, amazing!”

“Yay! I absolutely knew it would work out with one of the guys!” Eleanor exclaimed.

Paloma smiled a bit but a wince broke out onto her face. We rushed over by her to see what the problem was.

“Oh my god! Paloma what is it?”

“Oh nothing d-don’t worry about it.” She made an attempt at standing but only succeeded in falling to the floor.

“Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, get over here now!” Eleanor screamed.

A few of the boys all came running, while tripping over each other.


“Coming Boo Bear!” Harry said in response.

We looked back at Paloma, who was fading fast. Niall got there first. “Oh shite, what happened to Paloma?”

“She was talking about how amazing you were until all of a sudden she just looked like she was in pain, then just started to black out!”

Niall’s jaw clenched as he held the lifeless Paloma in his arms.

“Louis! This is all your fault!”

“I’m so sorry! I thought that she would be okay! Please, it’s not like I ever meant for anything to happen?”

“Please Niall, my Boo Bear never meant for anything this serious to happen!” Harry said, coming to Louis’ defense.

“Wait a second,” Eleanor started, “what happened?! What are you lot talking about?”

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