Chapter 1 - On Our Way

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Chapter 1 - On Our Way

*Paloma’s POV*

“Get Up Camila!” Krystah yelled down the hallway.  “I’m Up!” she yelled.

*5 minutes later*

“ENGLAND HERE WE COME!!!" Camila screamed. “Camila, why do u have to be so loud?" Krystah asked. "Hey, that's what I do!” she joked. My phone rang “My hearts a stereo it beats for you so listen close” I walked outside. I answered to find out it was Eleanor. “How are you guys?” she said.  “Fine. And you?” I replied. A minute or two later I ended the call saying “See you when we get to England. Oh and I can’t wait to meet your new boyfriend.” I looked at the time and yelled at the girls “Come on we’re going to miss our flight!”

*20 minutes later*

*Krystah’s POV*

In the car we talked about seeing Eleanor for the first time after a year and a half. And finally getting to meet her new boyfriend. We arrived at the airport. Before I could park Camila had already jumped out of the car. “You think she wants to see Eleanor?” Paloma laughed. We both started to laugh.  “We need to catch up to her.” Paloma said still laughing.

*15 minutes later*

*Paloma's POV*

"We're gonna miss the flight!! Let's go!" I yell as we walked up to security. Krystah and Camila ran right through. I tried to get past, but suddenly I heard an ear-piercing ring coming from the metal detector. All of a sudden, a large man with a small metal detector walks towards me. I turn to look to the side and see a cute blonde-haired boy it was Niall Horan going through the next metal detector. Don’t fan girl I said repeatedly in my head. I smiled, but then quickly look away. He reminds me of my ex-boyfriend Jake. Jake cheated on me with my best friend Jennifer. But I was lucky enough to have Camila and Krystah to help me get through it. He smiles back. OMG!!

*Camila's POV*

We run through the gate, struggling to put my shoes on. I turn around to see Paloma stuck at the gate! "What do we do? Paloma's stuck at the gate!" I yell at Krystah, gasping for air. "I don't know. Why don't you have a seat, I need a drink." she says as she heads toward Burger King. I sat down on a bench. "Ooo, look at that cute boy eyeing Paloma... its Niall horan" I thought in my head. Suddenly this guy walks up. He has brown curly locks and beautiful eyes.  OMG its Harry Styles he's coming up to me!! Act cool, I think in my head, and don’t fan girl. “Hey Beautiful, I'm Harry. And you my lovely?" he says with a twinkle in his eye. "Uh Hi I'm Camila." I say nervously than quickly look down. No one’s ever said something that sweet to me...

*Krystah's POV*

"One bottle of water please.” I say to the cashier. I looked back to make sure I didn’t lose anyone, Ooo Cami's got a friend. Oh and he's kee-ute! I look over to Paloma and a boy keeps staring over at her. Ooo, he's cute too! The cashier comes back, "thank you" I say and head over to the bench. OOF! I ran into a boy with dark black hair, and deep hazel eyes it was Zayn Malik. “Oh I'm s...o.... I'm sorry. I wasn’t looking." I say as I help him up. "No I'm sorry. Neither was I. Hey my names Zayn." he said. "I'm Krystah. Nice to meet you." I say, while the whole time I'm blushing.  He’s cute and mysterious at the same time. Soon we start chatting away. I see Cami and Paloma, guess it’s time to go.

"Um my flight is about to take off. Sorry but I have to go." I said in a sad voice.

"Oh are you on your way to England?" he asked before I could get too far. "As a matter of fact, I am!" I replied in a cheery voice. I ran to the gate and got in line with Camila and Paloma.

"Hey girl!" Camila said. "Oh and I saw you with the cutie you were sitting with Cami!" Paloma said in a jokey voice. "A friend." Camila responds calmly. "I told him what flight I was on and he’s on it too!!! So he asked me to sit with him!!!" She squealed excitedly.

"OMG Zayn asked me to sit with him too!! EEEPPP!!! Can this day get any better??" I yelled in excitement!! “Don’t fan girl!!!!” Paloma said in a whisper.

Camila and I start squealing and jumping around together. Suddenly Niall from the metal detector walks up to Paloma.

"Hey. I'm Niall" the boy said.

"Uh. Hey. Paloma." She said, you could tell she was trying not to fan girl.

"Paloma, what a beautiful name." he says with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, the announcer interrupts their conversation.

"Attention, all passengers boarding Flight 13, this is your last call for Flight 13."

Please Leave a comment below if you liked it or hated it. If you liked it what do you want to happen on the plane?

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