-Chapter Four-
I shiver from the cold air and put my keyboard back in its case. My stomach releases a loud growl and decide its time for breakfast. It was six-thirty and we need to be out of here by eight o'clock. With the time I've had since I've woken up, I have packed away Louis' clothes that he said he had packed away, play my piano, and get ready.I took my time cooking breakfast, seeing I had time before I need to get the lads up.
"Whatcha' cooking?" A gruff, sleepy voice asks. I look towards the boys to find a half-naked Niall and Zayn.
"Making breakfast," I say.
"It smells great," Niall smiles wide. "How long have you've been up?"
"Four-thirty," I answer and flip a golden pancake.
"Goodness woman!" Zayn mutters and reaches for a piece of bacon. I slap his hand away with a spoon, "Ouch! I was just getting a piece of bacon!"
"We're not eating until all the lads are up," I snap.
"Come on, Zayn, lets get 'em up!" Niall exclaims and runs off with Zayn in tow.
A few moments later all five half-naked boys come in like zombies unleashed. I grab a plate and pile on pancakes, bacon, and an fried egg, filling up a glass of orange juice. I prop myself up on the counter along with the other boys.
"Camn shme mook meverydmawy?" Niall says with a mouthful.
"Hope so, she makes so dam- awesome food," Liam corrects himself. "Does everyone have their things packed?"
"I don't-"
"Yes you do Lou, I packed up your stuff because you forgot to last night." I interrupt Louis.
"I love you more than carrots, June!" Lou says and slings his arm over my shoulders.
"If you love me, will you put on some deodorant?" He blushes widely but I know he'll get me back later.
"Wake up, June, we've landed." Someone says and gently shakes my shoulder. My eyes shot open and I take a look around. The only thing I could remember before falling asleep was Louis singing in my ear obnoxiously. Apparently Louis had switched with Liam, who had just shook my shoulder. I pull my coat closer to my body and disorienting get up from the plane seat. The plane ride has been the longest I've been on.
I dig into my bag and take ibuprofen to help my stomach pains. "You okay?" Liam ask and I nod.
"She has awoken!" Lou yells when I step out of the plane.
"Shut up, Lou," I grumble. Lou comes closer and whispers to me.
"Period?" he chuckles. I nod and he bends down for me to get on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me up my legs.
"You're the best brother ever." I whisper and rest my head on his shoulders.
"I better be," he jokes. "I guess you're not cooking today?"
"Junie is not cooking?! I'm going to die from the lads' cooking!" Niall bellows.
"You said my cooking was good," Liam says.
"That's before I tasted June's cooking!"
"Chill, we'll just get take-out," Zayn smoothly says. All of a sudden, my phone blares out 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber. I dig through my jean pockets and answer it without looking at it.

Louis' Sister, the Autistic One
FanfictionJune is Louis' 'Tommo' Tomlinson's younger sister. Did I mention she has Asperger's Syndrome, also called an 'Aspie." She wants away from Doncaster, England where she was foolishly teased and bullied for being the way she is. She is dreadfully shy u...