-Chapter Thirteen-
"Stop, please!" I giggle, trying to pry his hands from my ribs.
"What will you give me?" He asks, raising one of his golden eyebrows. He straddles my hips with his hands placed right where my ribs are.
"A kiss?" He nods immediately, pressing his lips against mine with his hands cupping my face. Its been a month and a half since our first date. I don't regret making the choice for us to be a couple. He's taken me on numerous dates and all of them have been amazing. I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. "I could live off your kisses," I whisper when he pulls away.
He gets off of me, turning to his side and I do the same. "June?" I look up at his crystal blue eyes and nod.
"Hmm?" I reply, tracing the palm of his hand.
"Do you still like Liam?" I raise my eyebrow.
"No, he's the past, Niall." A small flashback comes to my mind, only a week ago when Danielle was leaving back to the UK.
I look over at Danielle and Liam, I've tried my best to avoid Liam. I made the decision to stay with Niall and that's what I will do. If I had to avoid Liam, then so be it. I don't need Liam to complicate Niall's and my relationship, its perfect at the moment,
"I love you," Liam whispers to Danielle and my heart clenches. Let go, I told myself. Liam is the past... I look away and see Niall staring at me. He walks forward slowly before grabbing my face and giving me a breath-taking kiss.
"What was that for?" I whisper when I pull away. I'm breathless, barely being able to speak.
"To show you shouldn't want Liam, but me.'"
Flashback over...
"Why are you so worried?" I whisper, running my fingers up and down his bare chest.
"Danielle and him are having fights again-"
"Do you not trust me to stay away from him?" I interject, tears pricking my eyes.
"I trust you baby, I just don't want to lose my girl to him. I trust Liam, but he's hurt right now. And you're the only girl around-"
"Liam wouldn't do that, he wouldn't cheat on Danielle. Don't worry, at all." I say, resting my head on his chest. "I only want you."
"Well you have me," he chuckles and I join in. "Lets do a twitcam!" I dodge under the comforter, he knows I hate those things. I hate the feeling of people watching you, especially on a webcam.
A few minutes later, I hear an 'heyia'. He tears the blanket away and I yell out a 'boo!' I don't need the fans to think that I hate them and were hiding away from them. Well, the last part is true but I don't them to think or feel that. "Yello!" We yell in unison
"Lou!" I jump on top of bed, accidently landing on the fella.
"Ow Albert!" I burst into laughter at reply.
"Get up before I sew up all of your socks together," he jumps up, remembering the memory.
"Not again!" He yells. "You too, get dressed. I forgot to tell you that we're going to an after party after tonight's gig?"
"You told me yesterday, also that the other Lou and some of the other hair and make-up people will be dressing us or something like that." I mumble back. He grins, shutting the bathroom door to take a shower. I pull on a pair of simple white shorts, Barbie pink Cami, a crop-blue jean jacket, and a pair of wedges. I know that they have a dress for me there, so I don't mind to pack anything else.
"Zayn!" I yell, trying to decide which purse to take. He picks out his clothes the night before and have some style, so why not?
"What Junie? I was doing my hair?" I hold up a floral print over-sized Cato purse and another over-side Cato purse but it was black with a bright-pink belt around it.
"Which one?" I ask, holding one up higher, switching them every so seconds.
"The black one, the pink matches your shirt." I grin and give him a hug.
"Thanks!" I pull everything else from my Coach purse to this one.
"No problem, I have a question though too."
"Quiff or no quiff?" I smile ear-to-ear.
"Bend down," I order and he does what I say. I push down his bed-head hair and decide quickly. "No quiff, everyone needs a change sometimes."
"No problem," he leaves me to rearrange my purse. I throw away any gum-packets and trash, revealing a clean purse. I skip out of the bedroom, bumping into Liam.
"Hey," he smiles.
"Ello," I squeak. "I haven't talked to you in a while."
"I know, we'll have to change that. I was wondering if we could go out for some tea or coffee tomorrow?" I bite my lip and think about it. What would Niall think? I couldn't just abandon Liam like that, he's a good lad. Just is having problems at the moment.
"At ten, its settled."
"Is it too much?" I ask Lou, the stylist also the mother of Baby Lux.
I look down at the dark blue chiffon cock-tail dress that I'm wearing. It's paired up with a pair of shiny black peep-toe stilettos. My hair is in an elegant updo and my nails freshly painted. My make-up is smokey, unlike I usually do it. According the Lou and Skylar, this after-party is very 'fancy.' They try to coach me what silverware to use, since there were so much. Skylar just told me to ask the lads when we were eating. "You look fantastic, sweetheart." I smile at Lou's comment.
"Thank you, all thanks to you guys. You girls do too." They smile at me.
"Lets show you off, Junie-Bug," I grin at Skylar's nickname for me. "They're waiting in the lobby for us." I grab my phone, leaving my purse here. I follow them out and onto the lift, I look down and make sure I don't slip on the shiny floor.
"Keep your head up, ass out, and shoulders high," Lou says and pats our shoulders. Skylar and I laugh at it.
"So how long have you and Niall been together?" Skylar asks.
"A month and a half," I answer immediately.
"What base?" I blush hard.
"Skylar, don't be so rude." Lou sighs and smacks her shoulder playfully. The rest of the lift ride was quiet, filled with humming from Skylar. As soon as we open up the lift opens, the lads jaws fall to the ground.
-ERICKA :D oxoxoxoxo You're welcome, lol.

Louis' Sister, the Autistic One
FanfictionJune is Louis' 'Tommo' Tomlinson's younger sister. Did I mention she has Asperger's Syndrome, also called an 'Aspie." She wants away from Doncaster, England where she was foolishly teased and bullied for being the way she is. She is dreadfully shy u...