-Chapter Seventeen-
What the hell? I look around me and notice that I'm on a plane. Where I'm going, I have no idea. I bite my lip and look down. What has just happened? Lou sits beside me, snoring very loudly and snuggled up in a blue baby blanket Harry and him got. I look over my shoulder and see no one else. I fidget it my seat and can't help but wake Louis up.
"Lou?" I shake his shoulder and his eyes open up quickly.
"What?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes.
"I had the weirdest dream... Where are we going?"
"Going to see the lads, what did you think dufus?" He chuckles and gives me a nudge on the top of my head. "What was the dream about?'
"I-uh-urmh, it's hard to explain and I don't want to." I say softly.
"Fine, be that way," he teases. I flick him in the forehead and he whines. "You have turned into an evil carrot killer." I let out a light laugh and make him give me some of the blanket.
"When will we be there?" I ask.
"In like... forty minutes I think. Don't ask me, I hate school." He dazes off to sleep. I chuckle and lay my head on the window. Everything looks so... small. Everyone was asleep and the attendant says we'll be landing in a good twenty minutes.
Everything was a lie, eh? Everything that I 'had' with Niall is gone. I'm determined not to make the same mistakes I did in the dreams and I'm going to tell them straight off that I have Asperger's Syndrome. No lies this time. I am determined to fall back in love with Niall Horan.
"Shut up Lou and act your age," I order. He's so immature and it gets annoying at times.
"Stop being so grown-up," he sasses back. I just roll my eyes and throw my bag at his head. "Ouch!"
"Stop whining," I mutter and sink deeper into the bed. He pouts, thinking that it will work like it does on other people. But not me, I'm the only one immune to his sassy pout face. "Paul, are we they're yet!?"
"Almost!" Paul yells back at the same tone, obviously annoyed at this point. Lou has his moments but overall he's great.
He pulls up to a pretty building and we get out. I grab my light pink luggage bag and my Coach purse I had in the dreams. "Lou, I'm tired." I whine.
"Me too," he grumbles back and we go inside towards our hotel room. But we're stopped by a girl with long wavy strawberry blond hair with big hazel eyes.
"You're Louis and June Tomlinson! Can I have your autograph? My name is Akaya but you can call me Kat, and I love to sing and dance would you like me to show you--"
"Sure," Lou interrupts here. Man, that girl can talk fast. She takes out a camera and mushes the three of us together. I smile wide and she takes a few pictures. Lou signs a photo and smiles.
"Thank you!" She squeals, jumping up and down. "I love you and-"
"How about you text me?" I ask quickly and quietly.
"Even better!" She writes her phone number on my hand and I do the same. She seems like a nice girl, why not?
"We have to go, see you later?" I say and she vigorously nods. Little did I know then that I made a life-long friend.
We walk into the hotel room and Lou shouts, "HONEY I'M HOME!"
The lads bellow things I don't understand and come towards us. It's like meeting them again and they introduce themselves.
"I'm Harry!"
"I'm Liam!"
"The name is Niall! The Irish one!"
"Vas' happenin'? The name is Zayn!"
I grin and nod. "I'm June, Louis' Asperger's Syndrome sister."
THIS IS NOT THE END! There will be at least another chapter and an epilogue, I need at least 30 pages of the book to make it it into the Watty Awards without going under the "Short Story" category. Plus, I don't think it should end right here. This is a bonus chapter because the last one was short...
I hope you guys liked this story, I'm still thinking of a sequel but I believe that there won't really be a need for one. The epilogue will be long and will explain everything. I'm sorry for the ones who want a sequel.
I hope you liked the chapter SunKissedSkinXX BTW you're awesome :)
Hugs and One Direction kisses!
-Ericka :) x

Louis' Sister, the Autistic One
FanfictionJune is Louis' 'Tommo' Tomlinson's younger sister. Did I mention she has Asperger's Syndrome, also called an 'Aspie." She wants away from Doncaster, England where she was foolishly teased and bullied for being the way she is. She is dreadfully shy u...