-Chapter Eight-
I jump at his touch but then relax by how much my neck has softened up. Liam's a good lad. I know Louis doesn't mind Liam around me as much as Harry, Liam's more reserved and such a softy, while Harry is a flirt. I'm not saying Harry wouldn't be a good boyfriend, he would be a great one with the right kind of girl and would spoil her rotten. I'm just not that type of girl.I would love to be spoiled rotten and have someone to cuddle at night, but I don't see that anytime soon. But until then, I have a big brother that will buy me anything I want and could make me laugh until I had an accident. Some girls hate their boyfriends or people to spend money on them, I love presents but I do love presents that come from the heart also.
My eyes become heavier and I find myself falling asleep in his lap.
"We need to go to the rodeo or this fair they're talking about!" Niall says as soon as we get in the car.
"Why a rodeo?" I ask and yawn.
"People on twitter were tweetin' us to go to one that is in Nashville, only a few miles from where we're staying." Niall explains. "You'll go right, Junie?" He used his pouty face, making it almost impossible to refuse him.
"Sure, after we get to the hotel and I can change, then we'll go." I smile. I'm wearing my pajamas, sue me. I need some more clothes... "Lou when can I go shopping?"
"We'll go tomorrow after the photo-shot." I nod, tapping my fingers on the tinted windows. Tennessee is pretty, I look at the scenery and grin.
"Are you going to get on that mechanical bull?" I ask Louis.
"Hell yeah," he looks to the side and sees some of the fans already there. We would only be a good ten minutes away from the airport, which is nice. Jumping in my seat, the lads talked about this and that.
"I dare June to get on the bull too," Zayn smirks.
"Challenge accepted."
We pull up to a nice looking hotel and Paul parks the car. We get out and loud screaming girls fill my ears. I grit my teeth, feeling the urge to cover up my ears but don't. Instead I put on a fake smile and grab my two suit-cases. Niall stands by and waits for me, throwing one of his arms around my shoulders. We were surrounded my security guards, I learned in New York Niall is a bit claustrophobic. I give him a light squeeze on the shoulders and we go towards the entrance.
"You're a good actor," Niall whispers in my ear with a chuckle. Only if he knew the truth of it all, I just can't believe they still don't know about my syndrome. I smile in response and he takes the my duffel bag and puts it over his shoulders. Sweet, I thought.
"Thanks," I say, blushing slightly.
"No problem," we go straight into the elevator and Harry presses floor sixteen.
You know that awesome moment when you realize the elevator isn't playing that awful music that wants to make you sleep, but a One Direction song? Well this is an awesome moment. What Makes You Beautiful starts to play and the lads burst into laughter. "What?" I mumble.
"It just seems like they're playing it for us," Zayn answers. The door opens and Paul leads the way. I haven't really heard Paul talk much, just a 'your welcome' here and there. Room P18 it reads on the solid oak door. Paul slips in the key and Louis bursts in, claiming the best room. Which means I get to share with him.
I take the bag from Niall and head towards the toilet. I lock the door and put on a pair of floral print capris, a light pink vest-top, and a blue jean crop jacket. A pair of cute plain black flats and I was done. I left my hair in the bun, light make up was added and I'm done.
"Ready Niall?" I ask. None of the other lads were coming, saying they were too tired and would meet up with us.
"Yep m'lady," and does a mock-bow. He hooks his arm around mine and stuffs his wallet and phone in his jean pockets.
"Haha! I bet you!" I laugh and hold up my hands in victory. "Now which one do you want?"
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" He grins.
"We're not together, so panda or the Pooh-Bear?" I ask.
"We can make it that way," he whispers and a chill runs down my spine.
"The panda please," I say to the lad and he hands it to me. When we got a good distance away, I speak. "What do you mean?"
"I like you," he mumbled, scratching his neck. I couldn't speak if I wanted to.
"Niall I-" but he interrupts me.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that." I look to the right, seeing the group of lads coming our way, Liam's arm around Danielle. My world shatters, Danielle and Liam are back together? I had no chance with him and jealousy, a feeling that feels so foregien, fills me to the core.
Out of jealousy and not thinking right, I say, "Yes."
Mwuhaha! I'm so evil eh? But I can reassure you that this is just the begining of the story. This writer's block won't stop me, NEVER!
Question of the day!:
Q: What is Liam's phobia?
This should be EASY! Last upload the question was that you can ask me anything and I'll answer honestly. Sadly, no one asked so I am Forever Alone girl, LOL!Love you lovelies and thanks for the support! Hugs and One Direction kisses!

Louis' Sister, the Autistic One
FanfictionJune is Louis' 'Tommo' Tomlinson's younger sister. Did I mention she has Asperger's Syndrome, also called an 'Aspie." She wants away from Doncaster, England where she was foolishly teased and bullied for being the way she is. She is dreadfully shy u...