Chapter 2: Jeopardy

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Envy folded his wings as the royal stylists finally finished getting Envy ready for the Moon Festival that was in a few hours. Envy's scales were freshly polished, glittering like diamonds in the sunlight that was going through the sunroof. Golden earrings with ruby droplets hung from his ears, sparkling magnificently under the light.

"Are you excited for the festival?" Said Poise, Envy's personal favorite stylist. The larger male flicked his tongue, as he added his final touches, examining the moonstone necklace that hung from Envy's neck that was as tight as a choker. The prince smiled. "Of course," he says. "Lots of food, activities-- plus, I can finally get away from my dad for a while."

"Personally, I dislike your father too."

Poise and Envy laughed together, and the stylist stepped back, hearing talonsteps coming from outside of the room. Starflicker poked her head through the overhead curtains. The elder NightWing female flicked her tail, smiling. "Poise, Beastslayer is almost ready. You?"

"Of course," Poise replies. "As long as the dragonets can keep clean along the way. I've had to re-polish their scales for the third time." Envy, Silverday and Fateslayer grinned, guilty for their proneness of getting dirty and constant horseplay. "Alright, lastly, put the bracelet on, Silver, and we're ready."

Silverday flared her black wings as she quickly pushed the bracelet onto her wrist. "Come on, you slow snails! I don't wanna be late for the festival!"

The gray dragoness was the eldest but also the smallest of the royals. She, unfortunately, was hatched a year before the Brightest Night, but even without strong mind-reading or foresight, she didn't need it. She was skilled at predicting things.. maybe that was her power.

Envy had his wings folded closely to his side, carefully walking down the marble staircase that lead to the grand hall. Envy turned his head, glancing at family portraits of royals from the past, painted in oils but looked so realistic. They were stationed almost everywhere in thr palace, except for rooms reserved for the royals to sleep in. He couldn't stop staring at one of them. It was a painting of a obsidian black NightWing with a long, narrow snout and tired dark brown eyes, a jagged scar running down her neck.

"Dragoness' first," a guard says as he opened the doors, leading towards outside. The females walked out, and the males walked after them. The walkway ended a few feet from the palace, because the NightWings had built their home on an enormous, steady mountain. Everyone was expected to fly, so there was no staircase or path that lead up to the NightWing palace entrance.

A few friends of the royal dragonets were also permitted to be escorted with the guards. Stardust, a tiny dark purple dragonet sat patiently, her eye-rigdes raised as he watched the rowdy dragonets play around. She looked as if she never wanted to be here.

"The sun's going down! The festival is gonna start soon!" Silverday says.

Fateslayer smiled happily as he looked up at the sky, and so did Envy. The royal siblings were waiting at the grand entrance of the NightWing palace, waiting for their escorts.

Fateslayer leaned over to Stardust, raising his talons near his mouth to keep his voice from being heard. "Hey, watch this.."

Stardust sighed, rolling her eyes as the prince moved back, retrieving a small dun-colored spiked caterpillar. The tiny animal curled, desperately trying to escape.

"THERE'S A BUG ON YOUR SCALES!" Fate screamed as he tossed the bug onto his older sister's head. Envy bursted out laughing when his sister began to scream as if she's been stabbed, the princess scrambling backwards, her pupils contracted. The spikes on her back were straightened with terror. "GET. IT. OFF!"

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