Chapter 20: The Slayed Beast

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The angered, furious roars of dragons were so deafening that Envy felt dizzy. Soldiers screamed in pain, clutching their grievous wounds as they collapsed to the ground, blood spilling on the dirt floor. Envy wasn't planning on fighting for the SkyWings, and he for sure was not fighting for the NightWings. 

"Fire!" Queen Starflicker ordered suddenly as a mass of NightWing soldiers unleashed waves of flame at multiple SkyWings and Vilkra dragons, destroying large spears and burning soldiers alike. Teeth and talons flashed from both sides, spears impaled dragons and flame continued to hit many soldiers from each side. Envy couldn't just stand here and wait for the chaos to stop. He needed to defend his own army, for what's right.

A SkyWing soldier shot towards him at such speeds that Envy could barely react. He was tackled, yelping in pain when a jagged rock scratched against his side, deeply. The sky dragon's talons was piercing Envy's chest and throat as he was pinned, but the NightWing hastily slammed his hind-legs against the soldier's underbelly, shoving him off. Before the SkyWing had a chance to recover completely, Envy shot a beam of energy at the dragon. The SkyWing cried out in pain, the heat of the beam was so intense that the soldier's burn wounds bubbled and oozed blood. Envy suddenly began to feel a searing pain that rippled across his entire body. His bones were bending and shifting and then slowly stabbing out through his muscles and skin, growing longer. His jaws began crack as his body mass increased in size agonizingly, forcing Envy to release a shrill roar, shaking the air and the ground with it. Envy was soon the size of two fully grown dragon queens, blood drooling from his jaws.

The massive beast stood before the armies of NightWings and SkyWings. Half of his scales were as black as ebony, while patches of his body were still stone gray. His horns were curved into a spiral, blackened at the tips, but almost completely pearly white, and his eyes were no longer emerald green; instead, they were a chilling silver. The soldiers did not stop their attack, however. They continued to fight, until Envy shot another blast of energy at the SkyWings, and the NightWings. The dragons were burnt into an immediate crisp, their armor boiling and melting in an instant.

Newt didn't need to go into this new transformation. Simply shooting any dragon with his freezing vapor, or frostbreath, almost always meant a death sentence. Envy watched as Newt shot a NightWing with the vapor, upon impact the vapor solidified, ice swiftly crawled up the black dragon's scales, until it reached their face. The NightWing eventually collapsed, their wings twitching lightly, quickly dying from hypothermia. No wonder armor with chest plates were important.

A white blur flashed across Envy's eyes as he stepped back in shock. Caribou screeched as she nosedived into the crowd of dragons, shooting her frostbreath in all directions at full throttle and whipping soldiers with her spiked tail. What team she was on? The SkyWings? The NightWings? Envy soon found out that Caribou was on his side, killing sky dragons and night dragons on the opposing army, but did not care about any other dragon in the Vilkra army except for the IceWings. It wasn't favoritism in a way, more like loyalty to her own dragons. She was an IceWing princess after all. 

Envy's heart was thumping with fury as he watched Vilkra dragons drop to the ground, killed. It was hard to tell who was losing and who was winning-- all Envy could see was a mass of black and red dragons, ferociously killing each other. Envy shot another blast of energy at the dragons, eliminating multiple dragons at once. He grinned when spears ricocheted off of his tough scales. 

"Envy!" A dragon yells, almost muted by the sounds of enraged cries and anguish roaring.

Turning his body into the direction of the sound, Envy glanced at Stardust, who was standing in between two SandWing Vilkra soldiers, who watched the raging battle from a tall rocky ledge as they protected their commander.

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