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The churning waves harshly crashed into the cliffside, only to recede back into the waters and start the process all over again. Two of the three moons were new moons tonight, while the other looked like thin blades about to slice the dark waters. Tonight was beautifully clear and calm, but nights like these won't last for long. 

"Alzeros," a croaky voice suddenly says, breaking the large IceWing out of his reverie. Alzeros turned his head to spot Xa'meer, a gray-green SeaWing who was formerly named "Surge". The sea dragon's scales turned darker when reaching towards his claws and tail. He had a long, narrow snout, the dark green tendrils under his chin was unusually long. A jagged scar marked the SeaWing's throat, deep and dark pink in color. Bags hung under his pale green eyes, but even though he looked old, he had a stocky build. He was barely the height of Alzeros, but he reached the IceWing's shoulders.

"It took you long enough to get here," Alzeros snarled, turning his head away from Xa'meer and watching the crashing waves. His voice was deep, yet soothing, not as rough and old-sounding like Xa'meer's. Alzeros was tall and bulky, scales as pale blue a frozen ocean, and his eye-ridges were spiked and white in color. His dagger-like teeth stuck out from under his mouth, like a crocodile, and the tips of the extra spikes on the back of his neck had an ombre of white.

"My apologies," Xa'meer said, on the verge of stuttering. "but Toarel held me up. She kept complaining and complaining about the other members and wouldn't allow me to leave until she finished her stupid rant."

Alzeros rolled his sharp blue eyes as he sighed. "Hmmm, right," He said, dismissively. "But, even though I forgive you for being late, if you don't do what I've asked you to do earlier, I'm going to tie a boulder onto your leg, push you into the ocean, and feed you to the sharks."

"No need to be rude," Xa'meer huffed as he jumped off of the edge of the cliff, diving into the waters as his figure vanished within the bubbles.

Ignorant SeaWing, Alzeros thought. Can't even escape Toarel's conversations. Pathetic.

Hours passed as Alzeros waited for Xa'meer. Oh great. Did the old moron really get eaten by sharks? Alzeros leaned over the edge of the cliff, eyeing the waters. No SeaWing in sight.

The large IceWing was growing impatient. Maybe he should've brought Ereoth to do this job. At least she was younger and probably more swift than that old dragon.

More time passed, and before Alzeros dozed off, something splashed out of the water, landing on the ground, panting. Alzeros yelped with surprise, his eyes widened, and at first he thought it was an enemy, but it was only Xa'meer. 

"Alz! Alz!" Xa'meer cheered with excitement.

"Do not call me 'Alz', Xa'meer." Alzeros corrected as he rubbed his eyes.

"Well, Alzeros," Xa'meer said. "I found it! Oh moons, it took me a while-- but it wasn't too far off of the coast. I ran into a few SeaWing guards, but they didn't mind me."

Alzeros quickly snatched the object out of Xa'meer's claws, making the sea dragon huff and muttering an insult that was best unheard from the IceWing's ears if he wanted his life spared.

A chilling cold flushed through Alzeros' body, an odd sensation to feel because he was entirely resistant to cold, but he grinned as he examined the tiny, spherical object.

"Oh yes," Alzeros said as he held the small, pale pink pearl in his talons. "This is certainly Caspian's pearl."

Alzeros glanced up at the sky again, eyeing the clear night sky and Pyrrhia's moons. Nights like these will never come again.

Wings of Fire: A Game for GloryWhere stories live. Discover now