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Part 2 to the 1st one-shot

          December 24, 1984

Two weeks after the Snowball, it was Christmas Eve. Hopper had permitted Mike to visit Eleven in the cabin to give her a normal Christmas celebration. Mike had gone to the store the previous week to buy her a present. He was really excited about it, but she didn't even know he was coming over to celebrate.

After a long bike ride through the woods, Mike arrived at the cabin for dinner. He didn't expect much, after all, it was Hopper cooking the meal. After using the secret knock on the door, he was greeted by a surprised Eleven... and also Hopper.

Eleven wasn't supposed to know that Mike was coming over for Christmas Eve, but she couldn't help but over hear Hopper and Mike's conversation on the phone. Hopper had told her all about Christmas and the holidays, but she didn't understand why people give gifts. Hopper then brought out a poorly wrapped box for El to open. Her eyes widened as she saw the gift, ready to open it.

She carefully unwrapped it and saw a pretty blue dress. She gave Hopper a nice, genuine smile. After she put it on, the doorbell rang and she knew it could only be one person.

Eleven opened the door and in walked the Byers family. El was truly shocked, as she thought Mike was going to knock on the door, but she would have to wait until later. She saw Joyce carrying a big pot, and Will had a green and red bag in his hand. Johnathan was nowhere to be seen, he was probably at the Wheeler residence.

Joyce migrated to the kitchen to put down the ham she bought for dinner, leaving Will and El alone in the living room. After a minute of awkward stares and silence, Will spoke up.

"Thanks again for closing the gate. I know I said this at the Snowball, but I really appreciate you saving me again. I owe you one. Or two I guess since you saved me twice," Will said chuckling.

"Thank you. Mike is coming," El said. She still wasn't great with her words, but she learns new ones everyday.

After a long conversation about Christmas and Santa Claus, there was another knock on the door. El was sure it would be Mike standing in front of her when she opened it.

Mike stood outside anxiously waiting on someone to come to the door,hoping it would be El to answer it. He had to go back home after reaching the cabin the first time because he forgot her gift, and mentally cursed himself for taking up some of his precious time with Eleven.

"Mike," El whispered as she opened the door. She thought he looked so handsome in his red sweater.

"El," Mike answered as they pulled each other in for a hug. Will just stood awkwardly in the background, unsure what to do. He was always awkward in these situations.

"Aren't you gonna invite him in?" Hopper asked, chuckling. He knew they could just stand outside and talk all night.

"Mike, you can come in," El said looking towards Hopper. Hopper chuckled at the teens. Mike was so awkward.

After Mike put El's gift under the tree, it was time for dinner. Since neither Hopper nor Joyce were good at cooking, all the food was store bought and Joyce got an employee discount.

"This is really good, mom," Will stated.

"Yeah it's great," said Mike. He was just happy to be with Eleven.

"Are you ok, El?" Hop asked El. She was staring off into space and hadn't touched her food.

"I'm ok. Just not hungry. Too focused on Mike," El said, making both Mike and herself blush and Joyce giggle.

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