Valentine's Day

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Back to the chronological one-shots this one takes place in 1985 but keep in mind that all the one-shots are connected

          Mike was allowed to visit the cabin every Saturday for dinner. The Byers family was also over, Joyce was the one who always brought the dinner because Hopper couldn't cook. Sometimes the party would come, too and it'd be a great time for El. She missed all her friends.

          The past few Saturdays, El even invited Max to come over. She realized Max felt the same way about Lucas that she did with her Mike. She wasn't angry at her anymore for that day in the gym, and had apologized profusely for flipping Max off her skateboard.

          This night though, only Mike was able to make it for Saturday dinner. The Byers had the flu, and Will had given it to Lucas, who had given it to Max due to the kiss they'd shared after he'd been infected.

          Dustin decided he didn't want to hang out with Mike, El, and Hopper because he knew it would be awkward and it was too close to Valentine's Day. He knew Mike and El would be all over each other per usual and not pay any attention to him. He rung Steve and went over to hang out with him.

          When the door to the cabin opened, it was Hopper Mike saw in the doorway.

          "Where's El?"

          "Probably in her room."

          Hopper was still standing in the door in front of Mike, who was freezing his ass if in the cold.
          "Are you gonna let me in or just let me freeze to death?"

          Hop sighed, moving out of Mike's way. The two sat down on the couch, waiting for El to come out of her room.

          "I've been meaning to asked you something," Mike started nervously, "So since Valentine's Day is Tuesday I was wondering if I could take El out, y'know on like... a real date for Valentine's Day on Tuesday."

          "Absolutely not," Hop said firmly.


        "No buts, it's a no and that's final," Hop said, massaging his forehead. He wanted to let El out for a night on the town, but he knew that there was always a risk of her getting caught and that would put everyone involved in danger.

          "We could go to the movies. It's dark there... And she can wear a disguise like a superhero would. No one would recognize her. She can borrow Nancy's clothes and makeup," Mike said. He had obviously planned out this conversation many times to convince Hop to let El go with him.

          "What do your parents think about all this?"

          "Well, the know I talk to El and go hang out with her, but they wanna meet her."

          "How about this, I bring El to your house, you guys can watch a movie or do whatever you do, eat dinner, and then I come get her. How does that sound?" Hopper compromised.

          Suddenly El entered the room.

          "It sounds perfect," She said.

           "I can't wait for Tuesday evening," Mike said.

          "4:00," Hop said.

          "4:00," El repeated.

           Tuesday rolled around much more quick than Mike expected. He was nervous for his parents to meet her. They weren't to keen on the idea of their son dating a Russian spy girl, but they saw how happy he had been the past couple of months so they accepted the idea after Mike had assured them that she'd never been to Russia.

          After school, Mike did his homework, took a shower, and dressed in a nice sweater. When the door bell rung at precisely 4:00, Mike bolted down the stairs as fast as possible. When he opened the door, he was swept away by Eleven's beauty. She was wearing a navy and white collared dress.

          "El, I'm so glad you made it," Mike said.

          "I'll be back at 9:00, be safe, kids," Hopper told El. He was going out with Joyce that evening.

          Mike welcomed El back into his home. It was very familiar to her. The scent, the stairs, the hallways, and the pictures all took her back to that week in '83 when she'd first arrived.

         "You must be El," An overly excited Karen broke El out of her trance.

          "Yes I am. Nice to meet you," El had been working on greetings and manners recently with Hopper. She was just as nervous as Mike was.

          "Nice to meet you too," She said, "Mike, what a doll she is! How did you get so lucky?"

         "I honestly don't know what I did to deserve her," He said, kidding her head. Karen  squealed and whipped out her camera, taking several pictures.

          "Let's go to the basement. Dinner will be ready in a couple hours. We're having spaghetti," Mike said.

         "Ok. Let's go."

         Once the kids got down to the basement, Mike popped in a film. He put in a movie El loved for some odd reason. She started to take a liking to horror movies after seeing A Nightmare On Elm Street. Hopper was watching it on the TV and El joined him. She thought it was cool how Freddy could travel through dreams as his power, but for evil vengeance rather than good.

          Mike was scared out if his damn mind whilst watching the movie with her, but he wanted to seem brave for El. After the movie ended, Mike sighed a sigh of relief. He wasn't a huge fan of scary movies after witnessing the events of the past couple of years.

          "Mike, El, Dinner," Karen called downstairs.

          "COMING," Mike yelled back.

         El loved the spaghetti that Karen made for dinner. She ate almost every bite of her food. Mike chuckled at her struggle to get the noodles to stay on the fork. Karen and Mach gave each other knowing looks. They both knew Mike really, really liked this girl, and she liked him too.

          After dinner, Mike brought El back to his room. He had a surprise for her in there. El opened the door to find a box of chocolates in a heart and a card with a balloon beside it. She bent down to open the card and read it aloud.

           "El, from the first time I saw you, I knew you were special, and now I love you with all of my heart. Would you be my girlfriend? Love, Mike," She read with tears threatening to spill, "Yes Mike, of course. I love you so much, but I didn't get you anything for Valentine's Day."

          "I don't care, El, you being here is a gift enough to me," He said. And with that, he leaned in to kiss his girlfriend, And they kissed very sweetly and passionately.

Little did they know, Karen and Nancy were standing right outside the door the whole time.

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