Chapter 21: Apatite

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• -Opal- •

When I finally finished the letter I was practically hyperventilating. Finally, the secret I've held in for so long felt like it was now out and in this world. Dad would be so disappointed in me if he knew all this. Especially, with how I treated everyone that actually cares about me.

The worry that was laced in Ollie's features still has my heart clenching and lurching out for him, all I want to do is apologize to him and tell him everything.

Telling people to just leave me alone has become second nature for me at this point and I just seem to do it all the time when I'm overwhelmed and the thought scares me.

Right now everything I seem to look at just seems so dull and unsaturated as if the world has just been drained of its color. Some days it seems harsh and bright, today it was just a dull and bland world.

My eyes are fixed on the ceiling of my room, sometimes directly staring at the lights in my room, but it didn't faze me. I can hear my mom getting dinner ready for us and normally I would be helping, but I've been laying here staring at the ceiling, stuck in my thoughts, for hours.

I just did not feel like doing anything.

"Honey! Come down real quick," Mom calls.

I groan, loud enough for her to hear me through these thin walls, starting to feel really agitated. But despite the frustration, I force myself to stand and exit my room.

"What, Mom?" I ask making my way to the kitchen/dining room while staring at the bleak world.

"Ollie's mother called." I stand by the doorway watching her placing each plate exactly in the center between it's utensils. "She asked if we wanted to come over for dinner but I said you might want to stay home so they'll be here in about twenty minutes. Go get ready."

"Mom," I whine, crossing my arms like a moody teenager. "I'm not hungry."

"Your friend, Ollie, will be here. At least get dressed."

"I don't care about him," I say, sighing while making my way back to my room.

I can hear her saying a blur of words that just don't seem to catch in my brain. My non-stop thinking is far too loud and it is making regular life impossible to even pay attention to. So whatever my mom said goes unheard of as I close my bedroom door.

I go and fall flat on my bed covering myself with my covers. It seems like I've laid there for a lifetime when I see the light from my window has gone to black and can suddenly hear the loud chatter from the dining room. An overwhelming amount of anxiety overtakes my senses but still I laid there, beneath my blankets, without bothering to say hello to our guests.

My throat seems to shrink in an uncomfortable way that hurts and I can't seem to stop my eyes from tearing up. The memories of what Tyler did and the way his dirty hands held me in place seemed to suddenly overtake my mind like a parasite, it is the only thing I've been thinking of other than the hurt on my dad's face when I told him I hated him, when in all honesty he was the only one I loved and wanted to talk to.

A knock on the door sounded, making my heart pick up speed and start to hammer in my chest. One thing that's out of my nature is showing people my real emotions so on instinct I wipe at my face but still the one who interrupted my non-ending stream of thoughts opens the door.

"Opal... asleep?" Ollie soft and small voice asks.

I stay quiet for a heartbeat, contemplating what to do, but then I clear my voice. "N-no," I reply.

I can't ever lie to Ollie. Even all the sadness and pain I'm feeling in that moment seems to be willingly let out for Ollie to hear.

He takes in a sharp breath and I hear him from behind me fiddle and take a step in, taking my answer as a welcome. "Can Ollie... close door? Ollie wants to... help."

"Yeah," I say, sounding smaller than I intend to.

I hear him close the door and for a moment stand there not knowing what to do, but in a way him just being there helps. All I'm sure of is that he is the purest person I know. I know he does actually want to help.

I quickly wipe my eyes again, and clear my voice. My body seems to ache after laying in just one position for too long and sit up on the bed to look at him.

"What happened... Opal?"

Looking into his hazel eyes and seeing the depth in them, I just couldn't keep it from him. I clear my voice, I just had to show him.

I open my beside drawer and pull out the sheet of paper.

"What's that?" Ollie asks as I hand him the letter.

"Remember the English assignment." He nods. "Well, I heres what I wrote. You'll finally understand everything when you finish reading this."


Holy heck. I just couldn't hold myself from writing another chapter. Truly, I hope you liked this chapter and if you did don't forget to vote.

Personally, I relate so much to Opal and that's why I love writing her chapters. They sort of just come right out of my brain because her thoughts are just my thoughts modified. If any of you can relate this I hope you feel less alone because just knowing you don't feel as alone will literally feel like I accomplished a huge goal. You all mean so much to me and I hope all of had an incredible day.

What do you guys think Ollie's reaction will be when he finds out?

What do you guys think of Opal in this chapter? Can you relate?

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