The prophocey

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Piper POV

Piper raced to the oracles cave along with the rest of the 7. They got there just in time. As soon as they arrived at the cave, Rachel began to speak a prophocey.

The seven must travel far,

To where the four wizards are.

Danger lies in the woods,

The sea must stop in other words.

The dragon's flame rises in the air,

Together Olympus shows the trail.

The death will in all be the save,

Her love will end.

"What does that mean?" Asked Percy urgently clutching Annabeths hand. Danger lies in the woods? That doesn't sound very cheery...

I agreed with percy. It really didn't sound cool. For once, I wished that saving the world would involve a prophocey like this: You shall get ice scream. Unfortunately, that had not happened yet.

I had a faint idea about what part of the prophocey meant. The seven were us. Jason, me, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel , Frank, and Leo. The four were this Ginny, Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

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