Gods and Wizards

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Annabeth POV

I tensed. Was that someone there?

I heard a faint voice. Then another.

"Defiantly somebody." I said, looking at Percy. 

"What do we do?" He asked. 

"Call them out, of course." I said after a moment of thought. "And talk to them." Percy nodded.

"Come out of there!" He called. 


"What do we do??!!!" I hissed. 

"We go out." Said Hermione.

"What?" I asked. "Hermione, are you insane??"

"It's no point hiding." Hermione Said.

"Hermione's right." Ginny agreed. Harry nodded. I groaned.

"Fine." I Said. 

We stepped out of the bush.

Frank POV

And then, just like that, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny stepped out.

My eyes widened in surprise. How...? What...? 

"Harry." Percy breathed. "Gods..."

"It's god. Not gods." Said Hermione matter-of-factly.

"Oh.. uh... mistake..." Said Percy.

Ron narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe them. His friends didn't seem to either.

"Come on." He said. "Bloody Hell, spill the beans." Immediately, Annabeth and Percy's eyes widened. They were immediately filled with fear. What's with being like this with bloody hell? I thought. So weird. 

"Tell us." Demanded Harry, his voice iron hard. 

"We don't have anything to hide." Hazel said nervously.

"She's telling the truth." Piper said. Immediately I could knew that she was telling the truth. She really was. We could trust her. I nodded.

"Alright." I Said. Harry nodded. So did Ginny. But Hermione didn't agree.

"She's not telling the truth." Hermione Said. "Are you kidding me? You guys, n offense, would be that stupid." She turns to Piper.

"Your not telling the truth. Tell us." Jason, who is standing next to piper, as well as Annabeth, Open their mouths as if to speak. 

"She's just charmspeaking you!" She cries. 

"Charmspeaking?" Hermione asks. "I'm not charmspeaking, whatever that is."

"Oh come on," Piper says. "Your definitely a child of Aphrodite. Like me." 

Hermione POV

"Aphrodite...?" I ask. "Aphrodite...?" I think. Isn't Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty? What. On. Earth. Wait.... the puzzle puts together.

"You are all........ gods and goddesses?" I ask. I can feel everybody staring at me.

"Well.." says Leo. "She got it close enough."

"I shouldn't have said that!" Cries Piper with frustration.

"It's not your fault Pipes." Jason reassures. Piper smiles a bit at that.

"Should we give it away?" Percy asks.

"I think so." Says Annabeth.

"Well..." Says Percy. He sighs. "We're demigods."

There's a big scilence.

"Demigods...?" I ask. "You mean..., a child of a mortal and a god?" Percy nods. 

Ron, Ginny, and Harry's eyes widen.

"What.... god...." murmurs Harry.

"Bloody Hell..." Says Ron.

We stare at each other.

"And what are you doing here?" Asks Harry. The demigods look at each other. They exchange a quick discussion that's in some other launguage. 

"We can't tell you." Percy finally says. Harry's eyes narrow.

Harry POV

I don't trust them. I really don't.

"Death eaters." I whisper to my friends.

"Harry..." says Hermione.

"I'm sure." Says Harry. "Positive." Ginny frowns.

"Harry.... are you really... I see what your thinking... but..."

"It all fits together." Harry says.

"I suppose..." Says Hermione, looking troubled.

"Let's give them one last chance. If they won't spill it, then attack."

"But this could just all be demigod stuff." Ginny says. 

"Thy could be demigods death eaters." I argue. Ron sighs.

"Fine." He says, along with the rest of my friends. So we turn and ask them-

"Tell us why." They shake their heads. 

So I attack them.

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