Chapter 21:Hiding

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Chapter 21:Hiding
-Cissy's POV-

So I got cleaned up and I left the Slytherin Toilets with Daphne,Alia,Marcus,Adrian and Montgomery..

Me and Flint now call Montague,Montgomery or Monty.Monty didn't care all he cared was if I was okay since I was part of his kind.All Slytherins are Serpents everyone knows that's.

Us Serpents stay together,but in different groups.
Like Gryffindors,we are like lions,in different packs though.
But we are Snakes.We are more ambitious and cunning.

I had a scar on my face but it didn't look bad apparently Natalia said that I'm lucky that you can't see it that much but it was still visible and clear.

When I walked out,I sat opposite Draco he looked at me and slowly asked"Where did you get the scar from Lynx?"

I opened my mouth to come up with a lie but Flint cut me off saying,"Quidditch!She hurt herself in Quidditch"

Blaise and Draco nodded as Blaise asked grinning,"You'll still be able to play Slytherin vs Ravenclaw?"
Smiling I nodded.

"So when does the match start?"I asked giving a weak smile.
Blaise and Draco look at each other saying," about-"He looks at his watch,"In 5 minutes!Lets go!"

Then we all ran to the Quidditch field as Daphne went to the Slytherin parts of the stadium.
Then the match started.
"Slytherin Vs Ravenclaw!"Lee Jordan announced,to the Hogwarts,Durmstrang and Beuxbaton students.

"Captains shakes hands"Madam Hooch ordered.
Ravenclaws Captain,Rodger Davies,shook hands with the Slytherin captain,Marcus Flint.

"And the quaffle is out!Lynx Black catches it what a player she is-"Lee Jordan starts
"MR.JORDAN!"McGonagall shouts from the teachers stand.
"Sorry Professor just telling the truth!Lynx Black passed the quaffle to,Rodger Davies he passes it back to Lynx and she....SCORES!10-0 to Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw stands burst into an applause as the Slytherins boo.
Then the match ended.
Ravenclaw win then the Hufflepuff went against Ravenclaw they lost,Ravenclaw won then against Gryffindor,But Cho,caught the snitch but Gryffindor won.

Then that's when the Slytherins Natalia and Lynx remembered it was the Third Task tommorow and Theo would be coming from the half term/holiday.

Daphne,Natalia and me walked up to the seventh floor as I stopped them saying,"Filch is there with Mrs.Norris,just run"

Then we all ran in the Room of Requirment and practiced spells,.

,"IMPEDIMENTA"Daphne shouted to me her wand pointing to my chest,

"PROTEGO!"I screamed and a force shield was made I front of me with my aura around it.
Then I pointed my wand to her chest and shouted,"EXPELLIARMUS!"
Then Daphne's wand flew out of her hands and into mine,grinning I gave it back to her as she nodded as I quickly shouted,"STUPIFY!"

Then Daphne fell back wards on the floor passing out.Natalia looked at me and grinned saying,"Well your definitely going to do alright in the Third Task,"

I sighed and nodded saying,"Want to go against me?Ravenclaw vs Ravenclaw?"

She smirked saying,"May the best one win"
And there was a mix of words,

In the boys dorm,at the same time.

All the boys in the dorm,Flint,Pucey,Montague,Malfoy,Zabini,Bole,were on the beds laying there staring at the ceiling.

"I can't believe we lost to Ravenclaw!"Flint cried,"We had it coming tho!The Eagles are smart,manipulative and clever!"
We all stared it him.
As he sat up looking at each and every one of us and asking,"When's Nott coming?Everyone who left supposed to be coming back today right?"

We all nodded,not daring to say a word or Flint would scream at us for not working hard enough in the game,then Flint turned to Draco grinning stupidly.

"You've got a Quidditch pitch at your mansion right Malfoy?We can practice there with all the hoops and-"

"We can't"Draco blurted or I,"We cant-Lynx will be there,with her friends,Greengrass and Wilde"

Flint stared at Draco asking,"Can't she just stay with her cousin,Victor Krum,or the Volkov Mansion I've heard there Mansion is left to the last Volkov and Black heir-"

Then Draco sighed saying,"My mother,Narcissa wants Lynx to stay,apparently Lynx reminds her of Bellatrix when she's not using her metamorgus powers"

Then all of a sudden Flint looked like he was going to rio him to shreds,"Is that an excuse Malfoy ?Because if it is-"

"It isn't,"Draco said tiredly,"Even ask my mother,even ask Lynx,"
Flint nodded tiredly,"Alright let's get some shut eye boys,it's the Third Task tommorow and I'd rather not fall asleep as we watch our serpent(Lynx)win this tournament"

They all nodded and fell asleep and didn't notice that in the middle of the night Thei came.

-/-//-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-//-/--I'm sorry for the short chapter but next chapter will be long,if you want a spoiler for Lynx Black and the Deathly Hallows here it is,but I'd you don't want one,then you should quickly skip this one also after you  read this spoiler you might want to see the gif I put at the top,

.I was using my poly-juice potion Mad-Eye Moody gave me,since I had to see what was going on in Hogwarts it was a Halloween Ball and I pissed Jessica of.She was the only one that knew I was using poly-juice potion.

I walked out of the bathroom stall and flushed it and stopped when I saw Jessica there putting on lipstick that was smudged slightly.

Then Jessica walked away,I pissed her off and I regretted it so I walked up to her and said,"Jessica.....Please!"
Jessica turned around and faced me saying,"What do you want Chloe?"

"I-I don't know what to do,Jess"I said as my voice cracking.
Jessica scoffed saying,"Really?You don't know what to do?"

I then said,"I'm pregnant,Jess"
Then Jessica looked at me with pity.

I hoped you liked it if you read my spoiler!Also Jessica will be a new character in Order of the Pheonix!Remember look at the gif!By the way Lynx broke up with Theo in the Order of the Pheonix so she doesn't know what to do!Vote and Comment if you want more spoilers!

Also Jessica called Lynx,'Chloe' because she drinks polyjuice potion so she gets a new name,I don't wanna give you spoilers so...bye.xx

Sunday 3rd June 2018

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