Chapter 2- Clean and Wash

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You had been working in the bathhouse for a month or so at this stage. Your name was Y/N and you were a hard working female, or at least you tried to be.

With no memory to recall on, your already acquired skills were only instinct. Where you had got so good at washing windows, or mopping floors let alone bathing spirits, was all a mystery to you.

Shaking your head you kept on scrubbing a Radish Spirit whom was so desperately covered in mud. He stinked but you couldn't say anything that may insult him. You had to respect all customers. No matter the situation.

As you pulled the string for the water to flow in a cascading waterfall, the Radish Spirit made a gurgling sound in happiness. You started scrubbing him and he sat there quite content with himself. Funny, how the spirits acted. One moment they're in a constant bliss of paradise and next thing you know your being attacked for breathing the same air as them. They are complicated beasts.

You had been cleaning this one for an hour so far. But the job was just about done. Your uniform had become sodden through and that annoyed you to one great extent. You shook it off ignoring the wetness against your chest.

The Radish Spirit made another sound, one that sounded like a request and a demand at the same time. "A drink? Sure, back in one moment" you obliged as you lay down your equipment and stood wiping your hands on a towel. You stepped out into the busy hall and made your way for the bar. They served drinks and food and anything else a Spirit might want. You looked both ways at the T-Junction and crossed to the bar. You ordered him a Fiuji. A fruity refreshing drink to tickle the senses and make one relax into an ultimate state of contentment.

As you waited for the drink to be made you felt as if someone was staring at you. Watching. Shivering, you glanced up to the higher levels.

Master Haku was looking directly at you. The master of the house was staring directly at you. Studying. Observing.

You gave a nervous smile but he didn't return the sentiment. His eyes were slightly narrowed. Which, was a bit disconcerting to say the very least. When the bartender spirit finished the Fiuji. You clasped the ice cold drink in your hand and walked back to your customer. You kept stealing glances at Haku as you walked back, his gaze never wavered. An odd type of nervousness built in your core. Your legs seeming unstable as you hurried back to your awaiting customer. That burning cold gaze was like a thousand hot icicles were being thrown through the air, all penetrating you at once. Killing your body with frostbite and slowly, ever so slowly slipping into a dreamless sleep of drowning beneath invisible waves.

You reached the bath your customer was perched in. "Here you are sir," you say handing him the glass. He made an odd sound and ate the glass as well as the drink. Well, that's... something, you thought bewildered. It lifted up its arm to be scrubbed. You sighed and went back to work.

That fierce gaze never wavered. Never averted its horrific stare. As if he was daring you to stare right back at him. To force him to look away.

You weren't doing that. Not yet. Not now. Not when you had a client to focus on, this little duel of 'who can stare at the other the longest and make them the most uncomfortable' was child's play. It was a tedious game that you hadn't the time nor patience to play.


No. Continue work, and work until the sun rises. Those were the rules and they forced you to abide. Abide and be fed and payed. Not to play a game of cat and mouse...

As I re-edit I realize now what short chapters the first couple are. My apologies. It's amazing how much I've grown in the short span of a year, but here I am writing much longer and way more detailed chapters.

Happy reading!



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