Chapter 26- Murdering Spree

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I published this by accident when it wasn't finished so I hope you guys see it!

(The song matches the chapter, listen to it if you wanna get a deeper insight to your current feeelllsss)

We had stayed outside the House for a few hours. Shadows had slunk in and out, carrying and completing errands. Now that their leader was dead you couldn't help but wonder who was their Leader... spirits needed someone to give the orders and hold them in line. They were just so free-willed.

They had a right to be.

You were jealous of the spirits. They barely had a care in the world, they floated and walked about, eating chatting and drinking. All out enjoying life. You didn't see one flaw with their system.

But you saw major ones in yours.

Your heart beat had become moderate. The cheating bastard never left so you kept your distance. Your tears had transformed into masked anger. You had to keep your council for at least another day. Just until you had the Bathhouse under your control again. Your emotions were a ragged mess, sadness and anger became well acquainted while anxiety was muddled up with fear.

Love and happiness had ditched you.

You heard rustling and your swivelled around suspecting to see a shadow or some sort of Spirit.

Instead you locked eyes with the She devil.

"Hi" she offered a meek wave, you scoffed in her direction as she sat down beside Haku. She grabbed his hand, you wanted to feel his touch on you again. It just wasn't fair! She started rubbing his tense shoulders as he kept his gaze on the ground. She had an evil grin plastered on her dumb mug as she massaged his muscles.

That was your job.

Not anymore.

You didn't care about Ai, you didn't care about this love you were told so often about by him. You were going to end it. Even if it killed you. You wouldn't dare live with a cheating idiot if all he wanted was that human girl. Granted, you had been human once. But you were always stronger, even if you didn't show it. You were honest, and you cared. Not like that brat sitting across from you.

She puffed out her cheek as Haku swiped away her hands. His gaze never lifted from the grass and Chihiro became quite flustered. She didn't know what to do with herself after being rejected by the man she had been on the verge of making love with she didn't know how to react.

"So, what's the game plan?" She broke the silence as she peered at you and Haku. He sighed, a sad tone which made you immediately want to comfort him. You had begun to feel a pricking sensation in your hand. As if someone was continuously poking your skin with needles. You needed to touch him. And with the way he kept shaking and fidgeting with his hands, he seemed to be dealing with the same faint, pain.

You turned to face Chihiro full on, staring her down making her feel scared. You were a Dragon, she was nothing compared to you.

"The plan is, that you shut the hell up and go ride another guy out in the town. While I, save your ass and not kill you in the process" you hissed at her and stood. Keeping hidden from eyes that could see as she sat there dumbfounded. Tears welled up in her eyes and her lip began to tremble.

She better not cry.

"No ones ever speaking to me that way!! Daddy always tells me I'm a good girl! And mommy say I'm a princes-" you cut her off by giving her a backhanded slap across the face. You immediately felt regret for the violence, she touched her red tender cheek in shock and pulled away as her finger tip made contact with the stinging skin. Your hand was sore but it was nothing compared to what you had to deal with internally.


"You... hit... me" she whispered staring up at you in shock. You winced and let your facade falter for a mere second. "Damn right" you said with a slight tremble. Haku was watching you and out of the corner of your eye you saw her lean into him. He stiffened and tried to move away but she wrapped her arms around him, making him stay put.

Alright, let's play.

You were feeling murderous. Nothing was gonna stand in your way now with the fire building in your stomach as you leaped out onto the opening porch to the house. You landed in front of a spirit as he stared bewildered at you.

(If your sensitive to graphic visuals or reading just skip the rest of this chapter. It's gonna get a bit rough. Kinda like when Kaneki just got his kagune... sorry fan girl moment)

You grinned and grabbed his arm pulling it straight from his body. He let out a strangled gasp as he evaporated into the ground. Haku was standing behind you breathing rapidly as she padded up beside him. "Y/N..." he said hoarsely as if we was crying. Perhaps he was.

You didn't give him any attention as you burst through the doors. You were met with an onslaught of Shadows convulsing between each other. Their white stares rested on you as you charged for them. "Y/N STOP THIS IS SUICIDE!!!!" He roared from behind.

'Your right Haku, it is suicide...' your mind was thinking a million and one thoughts as you ripped heads off of bodies and limbs were thrown at the walls. 'But maybe that's what I want.' You spun, kicking Three of them down. 'A suicide...'

You punched a hole right through a sprits chest as it crumpled to the floor. You kicked legs, broke bones and killed like there was no tomorrow. No doubt this would come to haunt you later but didn't care.

You were in the moment.

Haku had joined in on the fighting, deciding that it was better to not leave you alone. Chihiro the demon was hiding in the shadows.

She was so weak.

Haku locked eyes with you, captivating you like they always did. He mouthed your name but you were already turning. Everything was a blur as you ran through the House. You killed anything that crossed your path, jumping off walls and creating a massacre in your wake.

This is what you've done.

I'm starting to doubt my writing skills. All these amazing authors on Wattpad and I'm just sitting here like.

A dumb potato.

But I shall continue because you seem to enjoy this story, which confuses me to no end!

Cookies and cream,


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