The Controlled City

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Static's eye twitched, "What the fuck?!"

Shadow paused for a second, "Wait, what?"

Specter hummed, "Okay, so what's your plan exactly?"

Batman immediately began explaining, "Whoever's holding the city hostage hasn't given any demands yet. The League is concerned about the safety of the civilians and if something isn't done soon it could lead to a large number of casualties."

Specter nodded, "So your plan is to sneak into the city, find out who's holding the city hostage and where they are, and take them down before they kill a bunch of people."

Batman paused, "How did you know that?"

Specter rolled his eyes, "I'm not an idiot, I can figure out a plan pretty damn easily if I know the details of the situation."

The heroes stared at him for several seconds before Black Canary snapped out of it, "Then we need to figure out a way into the city."

Specter had to stop himself from laughing, "Oh that's easy."

Shadow glared at him, "Don't you dare."

Static messed up his hair in frustration, "I'm against this idea."

Specter looked at Static, "Noted, but there aren't exactly a whole lot of options right now."

Aqualad raised an eyebrow, "So what do you propose that we do?"

Specter mentally sighed, "Let's figure out everything else before we worry about that. So how exactly are you going to find whoever's doing this once you get inside?"

Batman answered him, "Based on the reports we've been getting there have been people helping keep the city on lock down."

Specter nodded, "Find one of the guys and get the information from them, not a bad plan. So what city is under siege exactly, and don't ask my why I need to know because you'll find out soon anyway."

Batman stared at him for a minute before he spoke, "Central city."

Kid Flash's eyes widened, "What?!"

Static facepalmed, "God fucking damn it."

Specter nodded, "Yeah that's bad."

Kid Flash sped up to him and shook him, "Please tell me you can get us in."

Specter grabbed Kid Flash's wrists and forced him to let go of the front of his coat, "Cool your jets zippy, I got this. I'm guessing that the zeta tubes are down in Central so we can't use those to get in but I can still sneak behind the enemy lines. If anybody needs to grab shit then do it now while we're still here, once everyone's ready I'll get us there."

Everyone nodded and went to grab what they needed while Robin stayed behind, he looked at Specter. "Are you sure you'll be able to do this, you're still hurt and this could be really dangerous."

Specter smirked, "I'll be fine, a little stab wound isn't going to kill me." Robin glared at him a little and Specter laughed nervously, "Bad choice of words, but I promise I'll be fine."

Robin gave him a worried look before he held his hand, "Just don't die on me, I don't want my boyfriend dying less then an hour after we started dating."

Specter blushed a little before he smiled, "I'll do everything I can to stay alive."

Robin smiled, "Thanks, I'm going to make sure I've got everything I need before we go." The two reluctantly let go of the others hand and Robin walked out of the room to get his stuff.

Shadow stared after Robin in shock, "Did he really just call you his boyfriend?"

Specter nodded, "I think he did."

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