Chapter 1- Meeting the Boys

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       I ran through King's Cross Station, my trunks on the trolley and my owl in her cage on top of the trolley. I decided to get a Ural owl for school because I didn't want a toad, and a cat can't fly. I liked Ural owls' tails because they were longer than most owls'. I decided to name her Rose. I thought it was a pretty name. Besides, it's my favorite flower.

     I came to a stop when I reached Platform 10. I casually leaned up against the pillar below the sign and checked my watch. At least I wouldn't be late for the Hogwarts Express. Finally I went through the wall. Yes, through. Only witches and wizards have this ability, and it's guarded by magic.

     I weaved in and out of the students and their families on Platform 9 3/4 awaiting to board the train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At last the call to board was made. "All students on the train! All students on the train! Please load your items immediately and take a seat in a cart please!" the conductor announced.

     I was fairly close to one of the doors so I got on the train quite fast. I took a cart in the very back, making sure it was empty. I let Rose out of her cage so she wasn't so cramped and contained. She flew over to the seat across from me and stretched her wings. She cooed and snuggled into the seat. I chuckled and looked out the window to see the train station one last time before the train left. The whistle blew, and I felt the train start to move forward.

~MAGICAL TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY MAGIC~ (i wanted to use it bc it sounded cool)

     Rose started to snore in her deep slumber. That's right. My owl snores. She's weird like that, but I love her anyways. I was half asleep myself. I was dreaming about all of the classes that I would be taking this year. Transfiguration, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Dark Arts, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Herbology, and, my personal favorite, Potions. It was physically impossible to take all of these classes. Without a time-turner that is. I applied for one at the end of last year. It was sent by owl to me in the middle of summer. I was so excited to become a Fourth Year.

     I was jolted from my dreaming by someone knocking on the door to my cart. It was five boys that I'd never seen before. "Can I help you?" I asked, opening the door. "Sorry to bother you miss, but we were wondering if we could sit with you," one of them asked. He had an Irish accent. "What for? So you can call me names and beat me?" I asked. I was always the one Slytherin girl that was bullied by everyone. Even the professors. Not all of them, however. Only two professors didn't. Professor Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore.

     They gave each other quizzical looks. I shook my head and said, "Nevermind. Sure, why not." I gently picked up Rose and sat her on my lap. She continued to snore in her sleep. I looked them over to find a single possibility that I knew any of them. One had dark, curly hair and emerald green eyes. One had short brown hair and ocean blue eyes. One had black hair and chestnut brown eyes. One had lighter brown hair and light brown eyes to go with it. The Irish one had blonde hair and a set of sky blue eyes. Nope. I knew none of them.

     "I'm Davie Anne Finnegan. And you are..." I introduced myself, waiting for a response. "Niall Horan," the blonde one said. "Harry Styles," said the curly haired one. "Louis Tomlinson," the ocean blue eyed one, "Liam Payne," the one with lighter brown hair, "Zayn Malik," the one with black hair.

     "Nice to meet you all. You know, I've never seen you five around Hogwarts. Are you new? You seem like Fourth Years," I said. "Oh, um we're being transferred from Durmstrang Academy. We wanted to see what other wizarding schools were like. And we are Fourth Years," Louis said. "Well, you came to the right place," I said, "Have you been sorted yet?" "Sorted?" Zayn asked, quite confused. "Into one of the four houses. You know, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin..." I repeated the names of the houses.

     "Oh yes, um, we have. I was sorted into Ravenclaw with Louis and Zayn, Liam was sorted into Gryffindor, and Niall was sorted into Slytherin," Harry said. "Hey, I'm in Slytherin!" I said. "Cool. I guess you can show us all around the school and teach us some stuff?" Niall asked. "I guess I could do that between classes, but most stuff I can only show to Niall because each house has access to different things," I explained the school rules and expectations to them until we were 3/4 of the way to Hogwarts.

     "We should be changing into our robes now. We're almost at school," I said, and with that we changed into our school uniforms.


     "Anything from the trolley, dears?" a witch coming by with a candy cart asked us. "Um... do you boys want anything?" I said to boys. "Um, do you have chocolate frogs?" Harry asked."Yes I do. I also have Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, cauldron cake, chocolate wands, licorice snaps, and just about everything that you can find at Honeyduke's!" she exclaimed. I looked over at the five, who were licking their lips hungrily at the sight of the numerous candies on the trolley. "We'll take the lot," I said, pulling a handful of Galleons out of my pocket.


     Candy wrappers were scattered around our cart. Niall and I had eaten most of it. The others got sick after eating some bad Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. "Hh, uh ike ur ptsh," I said with my mouth full. "Oh, um, thanks," Harry said, stroking his cat's back. Louis had a cat as well, and everyone else had an owl. "I like your owl. She's beautiful," Liam said, gesturing to my now awake pet. I swallowed and said, "Thank you. Her name's Rose." "Lovely name," he said.

     "We should start to clean up," I said, noticing the mess we had created. "Here, I'll help," Zayn announced, starting to pick up the wrappers and boxes. "No. Allow me," I said. I pulled out my wand and with a flick of my wrist it was all gone. "How did you do that without having to use a spell?" Harry asked, shocked. "I'm more advanced in spells than most people. I even taught some of our professors how to do it," I said, putting my wand away. The train whistle blew, and we gathered our things to go into the school.

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