Chapter 4- A New Side

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                                                 ~Davie's POV~

     "Shh... sh it's okay... it's alright..." Draco whispered to me as he caressed my head. Had he had a sudden change of heart at the sight of me crying? I stopped crying a bit and and looked up into his sky blue eyes. Before I knew what was happening he leaned down and softly kissed my cheek. 

     Startled and confused, I stopped crying altogether. Draco looked about as shocked as I did. Not knowing what to do I just looked at the floor and blushed. The stuck up rich boy that always bullied me and hated me just kissed me. Is this even real?

     I realized that it was in fact real when I was yanked by my robes off the Common Room couch by Crabbe and Goyle. "Why were you crying you little wimp?" Crabbe asked with a laugh. "Nobody wants to hear anything from your stupid mouth,"  said Goyle. He raised his hand to smack me square in the face. I braced for impact but before anything happened Draco jumped between me and Goyle's hand and took the blow himself.

     He hit the ground hard and Crabbe and Goyles' faces went pale as parchment paper. I was thrown back onto the couch abruptly, the wind immediately getting knocked out of me in the process. I clutched my stomach and bared the pain. "The bloody 'ell did you do that for?!" Crabbe asked Draco, almost screaming. "Don't... hurt her," Draco gasped between breaths. I couldn't believe that he was actually defending me.

     "Are you absolutely bonkers? Why are you sticking up for her so suddenly?" Goyle asked in disbelief. Draco was still a little out of breath but managed to choke out a few words. "Because she doesn't deserve the pain. I do. For all the years I was an arse to her." 

     He looked at me and gave me a weak smile before standing up and helping me off the couch. "Let's get to bed. Shall we?" he smiled. I slowly nodded and he took me up to the girls' dorms and left to his own dorms after. I quickly changed into my nightshirt and crawled into bed. I lay awake for a few minutes before gently drifting off to sleep. 

                                          ~The Next Morning~

    I woke with a start and looked around. My owl, Rose, was sitting on my nightstand with a letter in her beak. Curious, I took the letter from her. She hopped around the bed a bit and finally took off. I looked over the envelope but there was no way of telling who sent it or if someone had sent me a curse again. I took the risk and opened it cautiously. I was pleased when I pulled out some parchment paper with writing on it. It read:


Dear Ms. Finnegan,

     I am very sad to say that Headmaster Dumbledore said that there is not much he can do to help you with your situation. I know that it is hard for you but there is a way that I can help you. It's not quite what you wanted but it will guarantee that you will gain respect from many.

     You were sorted into Slytherin house for a reason. This reason may be it. If you want to find out then you have to get caught doing something so that you will be taken to my office for a private talk. Wander the halls after curfew until someone sees you. When you get to my office and we are alone I will tell you what this opportunity is. It was completely against my choice to do this but I hope it all works out.

Sincerely yours,

Professor Severus Snape


     I was very confused by the contents of the letter and read it once more. Twice. Three times and I still didn't understand. Was my professor blatantly telling me to break the rules? He couldn't be! Yet he was... I shook my head and stuffed the letter in my trunk, getting dressed and heading down to the Great Hall for breakfast. 

     It felt really empty in the Great Hall with most of the Slytherin house being gone. 

Only the First Years, Niall, Draco, and I occupied the Slytherin table. The First Years were making friends among themselves and Niall and Draco were talking about something that I didn't quite get to find out about. 

     I walked over to Niall and Draco. Niall waved at me but Draco stood and hugged me. I was very confused but then I remembered the previous night's events and reluctantly hugged him back. I sat down between the two and waited for Dumbledore to speak. 

     He didn't speak for a while so I became curious. I looked up at the front table where the professors always sit. Professor McGonagall was in her usual seat next to Hagrid. Hagrid is the Care of Magical Creatures teacher this year. I think he's well suited for the job. Madam Pomfrey was sitting adjacent to Professor Flitwick. Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Moody, kept his gaze locked on Harry Potter. Professor Snape was, well as usual, in the seat the farthest away from everybody else. He caught my gaze for a split second but I quickly turned away to avoid eye contact. Every professor was there. Every professor except Dumbledore.

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