Chapter 13: Discovered

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~Draco's P.O.V.~

I stood in bewilderment because of what had just happened. "You're an Animagus?" I asked. My girlfriend had just transformed from a small fox into herself. "Mhm. I'm registered, too. I never really show anybody because it would just make things worse. I like being a fox, though. It's fun. Plus my patronus is a fox," Davie stated. We heard rustling and she transformed back into the fox. She ran and hid underneath the bed.

I watched the entrance with fear. Hagrid, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher, bursted in. He had brought Argus Filch with him. I darted into the closet and shut the door. Davie stayed hidden under the bed. Hagrid and Filch searched and searched before the actually found me. Filch grabbed me by the collar and dragged me out. Davie had come out of hiding and started barking at him and nipping at his ankles. Hagrid tried to shoo her away, but she just ran around him. Filch, obviously annoyed by a tiny fox running around his heels and biting at them, kicked her to the wall.

I screamed at him and wrestled out of his grasp. I ran to her, picked her up, and cradled her in my arms. She didn't even have the strength to transform back to her normal self. She very softly whimpered in pain. "Let it alone, Malfoy. Come on," Hagrid said picking me up. I didn't put her down. Not even when we reached the castle. The let me go and I immediately darted to the Hospital Wing. "Madam Pomfrey! You've got to help! Please!" I shouted, carrying the little fox in with me.

Madam Pomfrey looked at me like I was crazy. "What do this this is? A veterinary hospital? Take that fox out of here," she instructed. I explained to her that Davie was a registered Animagus and everything that had happened since I found out. "One moment," she said, walking into her office and bringing back a piece of parchment paper. "Well you're right. She is registered. Let's get her on a bed," she stated. I set her on a nearby bed and Madam Pomfrey tended to her.

I couldn't leave. I wouldn't. Not without Davie. I had stayed in that Hospital Wing long enough to notice that her right ear was chipped. I placed my hand on the bed and leaned in to get a better look. She placed her paw on top of my hand and looked up at me with her ocean blue eyes. She looked curious with such eyes as a fox, but the unusualness of it brought everything together perfectly. Her head jerked towards the door and she growled.

Pansy Parkinson walked in with a box of chocolates. "Hey Draco um... listen I'm sorry about any misunderstandings we've ever had. I was wondering, since Davie is completely out of the picture, if we could... start over?" she said, handing me the box. I took it and read the note on the front. All it said was: Will you go out with me? I shoved it back into her hands. "Do you really think that I would ever want to be with you? After what you've done to Davie I never want anything to do with you. And she's not out of the picture. She's right here. She's an Animagus and she heard everything you've said," I spat.

~Davie's P.O.V.~

I finally had enough energy to transform. I turned back to normal and stood up even though my legs were a little sore. I walked up to her and got so close that there was about an inch of space between us. "Listen Pansy. I don't know who you think you are or what you're trying to do, but I've had enough of it. You've ruined enough of my life so I think it's about time you knock it off before I lose my temper and do something absolutely insane," I hissed in her face.

Without even flinching she struck me on the side of my face. I looked over at Draco, who's eyes were wide in shock. I mouthed something to him and he darted off. "You asked for this," I said to Pansy, pulling out my wand. I cast Cruciatus curse at her and she fell to the floor in pain. She cast a spell at me, which made my wand arm bleed. This was a full on duel.

As she was about to cast the killing curse Severus and Draco bursted into the room and stopped the duel. "Ms. Parkinson. To my office. Ms. Finnegan... sit down so your arm can be repaired," Severus instructed. We both did as told. "What happened love?" Draco asked, examining my arm. "She tried to kill me again," I said. "Again?" Severus asked. I nodded. I recalled to him the moment in the Common Room when Pansy had her wand up to my head, trying to kill me.

Severus repaired my arm before Madam Pomfrey even walked back into the room. Draco and I were told to go back to the Common Room while Severus went to his office to speak to Pansy. Classes had just ended so students were walking through the hallways. It was all normal until we were glomped by Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. All seven of us fell to the floor in a heap.

They were all talking at once so I couldn't understand what they were saying. "One at a time!" I laughed. I squeezed out of the pile and helped the rest up to their feet. "We thought you were dead!" Liam said, tears coming to his eyes. Zayn and Niall patted him on the back. I felt bad so I gave him a quick hug. He squeezed me really hard as tears started to flow down his face. I pulled away and started crying myself.

"Li, you're making me cry now," I said. I wipe the tears off of my face and his. "Why did you go missing in the first place?" Louis asked. "Pansy tried to kill her. We really didn't have a choice but to run," Draco stated. The boys looked at each other with total concern. They asked many questions about why Pansy did what she did and what we were thinking when we ran off. I only had one response: "I'm used to people hating me." People have hated me since birth, pretty much. My parents went to Azkaban days after I was born and I was thrown into an orphanage. I had been alone from then until I was 14.

Over the rest of our school year I couldn't stay away from the boys. I didn't care if I wasn't allowed to be near them. They were my friends and I wasn't about to abandon them because of a stupid rule. As the end of May approached I began to hang around them a lot more often. Especially Liam. He was my best friend so I was obviously going to hang around him the most. This was difficult, however, because he was usually around Potter, Weasley, or Granger. I had him to myself as the month of June passed in the blink of an eye.

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