Chapter 5: Missing

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                            ~Davie's P.O.V.~

  Every professor was present for the morning feast. Every professor except Dumbledore. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. Draco must have noticed this. "What's wrong, Puppet?" he asked. "The Headmaster... he isn't here..." I stated. Niall and Draco took this into account and continued with their conversation. Something about Potter being a disgrace to wizards. I just sat there, Draco's arm around my waist, nodding every once in a while in agreement.

     Finally, the doors flew open and Dumbledore walked in. Silence swept the Great Hall like a broom. All eyes were on the Headmaster. He made his way up to the front and announced the start of the meal. I gathered food, but I stared blankly at my plate, recalling Snape's letter. I wasn't sure if I should do it or not, but I know for a fact that I was scared. I didn't eat anything the entire day.

     Classes went on as usual. I didn't pay much attention to them either. At least no work was assigned considering it was the first day. I wouldn't have the energy to finish even a few inches of homework then. It felt like I was overcome with an odd drowsiness. Not to mention some nausea. Snape must have noticed because during Potions class because he took me out into the hall and asked me some questions.

     "Ms. Finnegan, are you alright?" he asked. I slowly nodded, keeping my gaze on the floor. He could tell I was lying. "I'll have someone escort you to the Hospital Wing," he said. "No! I can go alone. It's alright," I remarked. He seemed reluctant, but let me go anyways. I think he got the message that I wanted fresh air to breathe and to wander the school instead of being stuck in classrooms all day.

     I wandered the whole school. Every secret passage was found, every stone recognized, every pathway remembered. I also stepped outside and explored. Hagrid wasn't teaching a class so I decided to stop by and visit until class time was actually over. I knocked on the door and received nothing but silence. "Strange," I said to myself, "he's usually here." I decided to head back inside and go to the library to find some books to read instead. Luckily it was empty so I found peace in that.

     I looked at many books while I was there. Hogwarts: A History was one of my favorites. I found out so many secrets about the school. I would use these to my advantage later on. I looked at my pocket watch and noticed that class time was almost over. I made up my mind to head out and go to the Common Room. I put my books back on the shelves and walked down to the dungeons.

     I found myself wandering the dungeons, too. I found a large, empty room and sat there for a few seconds. Minutes. Hours. Nobody came looking for me, but I'm glad they didn't. I liked the peace and the quiet of the room. In fact, it was so peaceful that after two or three hours I lost track of time and consciousness.

                         ~Niall's P.O.V.~

     Davie is really nice. Too bad she's with that Draco bloke. He said so himself that they were together. Oh well. Looks like I'll have to ask another girl to the Yule Ball.

     Speaking of Davie, she was acting quite strange. Not responsive, completely glazed over during classes, and during Potions she was excused to the Hospital Wing, but she was never seen there. A few people asked the paintings, and they said she was wandering around aimlessly until class was over. After that she was nowhere to be found.

     I started to get concerned when she didn't show up for the rest of the day. Or the next day. Nobody seemed to care that she was gone. Okay that's a lie. Draco and Snape did as well as the boys and I.

     After the third day of her being missing the Madam Pomfrey came with some news. "I found her in the dungeons in an empty room," she said, "Not conscious but still alive. She's in the Hospital Wing now if you would like to visit her." I rushed out to the courtyard to tell the boys.

     "Liam! Zayn! Louis! Harry!" I shouted. "What is it, mate?" Zayn asked. "They found Davie Anne! She's in the Hospital Wing now! We can visit!" I replied. "Well then let's go!" Liam exclaimed. With that, we all rushed down to the Hospital Wing.

                       ~Liam's P.O.V.~

     Niall led us to the Hospital Wing to see how Davie Anne was doing. She really is a sweet girl. She has a certain innocence to her that I find absolutely adorable. She always apologizes for every little mistake, feels bad if she doesn't do something completely correct, and she's kind of easily scared. It doesn't matter. I like it.

     When we got to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey brought us over to the bed that Davie Anne was in. She looked... peaceful. Like she had not a worry in the world.

     We all sat in seats beside her. Draco had been sitting on the side of the bed since he heard that she was found. His gaze never turned from her. Not even when Professor Snape walked in to see how she was doing. It was like he was in a trance. He never ate, never slept, nothing.

     Davie Anne finally woke after about a week in the Hospital Wing. She seemed lost and confused as to how she ended up there. We explained everything but it was like someone had wiped her memory. She remembered everything up until the day she went missing. She had no recollection of anything after that.

     Everything was done to try to get her to remember. Nothing worked. Draco smashed a glass in frustration after a few tries. Davie Anne was scared that he would smash it on her head so she clung to me for protection. I reassured her that he would never hurt her, but she told me of many times when he had.

     I began to understand her more and learn about her better this way. She told me about her life and how she ended up where she ended up. She told me everything. Soon enough we became close friends. Very close friends. I knew all of her quirks and she knew mine. I knew all of her insecurities so I did my best not to talk about touchy subjects.

     I think it surprised her that I wanted to be her friend. "People don't... like me. At all. Why do you?" she asked me. This was on a day that she was given a curse in an envelope that made her nearly choke to death. "I like you for a lot of reasons! You're funny, you're smart, you always make me smile... and you're beautiful..." I replied, getting quieter at the end.

     She looked at me with total shock. "You... you think I'm beautiful?" she asked. I nodded and smiled. "Nobody has ever complimented me..." she stated. She turned her gaze to the floor and said nothing else.

     Draco came behind her and dragged her off to do something. I don't know what it was but it seemed important. She was dragged off so suddenly that she dropped her hair pin. It was a silver snowflake. I picked it up and called after her, but it was too late. She was gone.

     I didn't see her over the next few weeks. Draco kept her from me pretty well. He sat with her on the opposite side of classrooms from me and made any excuse to pull her away every time I had half of a chance to talk to her.

     Before I knew it the Yule Ball was in a week and I didn't have a date. I asked Hermione Granger because she didn't have a date either and she was nice enough. Louis went with Luna Lovegood, Harry went with Cho Chang, Zayn went with Lavender Brown, and Niall went with Pansy Parkinson.

     Davie Anne went with Draco against her will, but she started to get more lovey-dovey with him. It was strange...

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