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i open my eyes its dark in the room he isn't in here, i try to move but he tighten the rope after the last time my hands hurt. i hear clicking and turn my head i see him Dr. Saint-John.

"Good morning Ariel" he says. 

"Loosen my ropes please" i say.

"Why should i?" he says, walking in front of me.

"Because my arms hurt" i say.

"That isn't a very good reason" he says. 

"Please" i say, he runs a finger done my face.

"OK" he says, then he walk behind me and starts to loosen my ropes i break free when he loosen them and Punch him he stumbles back and i jump up going down with the chair i turn struggling to untie my legs. i untie them in time for him to grab my arms, i start flinging my legs and kicking him.

"Why did you do that?" he says.

"Because your a lunatic " i say.

"If wasn't for me you would be in a government lab being researched on"  he says tighten his grip.

"Your worst at least i'd get a patted room ther" i say, he laughs then puts me down.

"Listen Ariel you cant leave your different not normal you alone all you have is me" he says.

"Not anymore" i say, then i let my wings break through my dress and i fly up he grab my ankle and starts to bring me down but i keep flying up and eventrually he lets go and i speed up and crash through the roof window into the night, i'm free.

"I'M FREE!" i say, then i fly as far away as i can get from that abandon hopital. 

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