When we arrive at Christen House Tiffany leaves across the street to her Aunties house then Me and Christen go inside and into her room she gives me Under wear a bra and pink polka dot pajamas.
"Go take a bath in bathroom across the hall new towels and wash cloths should be in there" she says, i nod. i walk from the room across the hall and into a pretty Blue bathroom which is way better then the bathroom i used at the hospital He never cleaned it and it always smelled like dead bodies. i set the clothes down on the toilet and i look around and find the towels and wash cloths i grab a black towel and a black wash cloth, i turn looking at the bath tub i walk over to it and try tuning it on the shower Sprays on i try not to scream but i pull away falling to the ground on the door shutting it. i sit up rubbing my head then stand up getting undressed grabbing my wash cloth, stepping into the shower closing the curtains, i step under the water that for once is freezing cold or smoldering hot, i stand under the water for a while then i start washing off making sure i get my wings.
"Um... Ariel how long are you going to be in there?" Christen asked.
"Oh i'm coming out" i say, i bend down and turn off the water, then i pull out the curtains and get out grabbing a towel; i dry off taking extra time to dry of my wings, i fold my wigs and put on the clothes Christen gave me, when i done i grabbed everything i bought in and walk to the door opening the door the cool wind hitting me like ice.
"Wow when was the last time you took a bath because you took a long time in there" she says.
"Sorry long walk from the town i came from" i say, more like a long fly.
"OK well my parents want to meet you sadly just don't say anything i'll do all the talking" she says, i nod. then she extends her hand and i take it then she leads me down the hall and downstairs to the living room.
"Hello mom and dad meet Ariel" Christen says.
"Hello Ariel its nice that Christen has more friends then the ones she has" The mom says, i smile.
"So Ariel how long will you be staying with us?" the father says, i look at Christen she looks at me and at her father.
"For the whole summer" Christen says.
"That's great" the mother says, clapping.
"Well we should be going you know planning what we're doing tomorrow" Christen says.
"What about dinner i made your favorite" the mother says.
"Um i'd rather have Two large pizza one Cheese and one meat lovers"Christen says, the she turns pulling me to the stairs we walk upstairs and down the hall to her room, we walk in and she closes the door.
"My parents ask way to many questions" she says, i smile walking over to her bed and plopping down playing with my hair. Then there is a knock on the window i jump and fall into the pillows making Christen laugh.
"Its only Tiffany" Christen says, i look over to the window and look at Tiffany sitting out on Christen baloney.
"My parents dont really like Tiffany all that much" walking over to the big door and openign it.
"Hello ladies" Tiffany says, with a laugh.
"Hey" Christen says.
"Give me the rope i made Sarah is here" Tiffany says, christen nods walking to the closet and grabbing a long rope made out of sheets, then she turns giving it to Tiffany who runs back outside throwing the rope over the edge.
"Who is Sarah?" i ask.
"She is like the most coolest girl in town" Christen says, i nod and look outside as i see Tiffany help a blond onto the balcony, they both walk in Tiffany has the rope.

Teen FictionHer mother died at birth because of her and her dad went crazy and jumped from the hospital leaving little Ariel alone, she was different from other people while they walked on the ground she could fly, one day Dr. Saint-John takes her in well not...