I wake up tangled in branches and in leaves in a very tall tree, i yawn and then lean left fall from the tree gliding down; i land in the bushes and stand up brushing off the leaves and berries, i yawn walking from the bushes and walk onto the path. i hear footsteps and people giggling and talking i walk back behind the tree and watch two girls one red head and one brunette walk pass the tree.
"Did you hear that Justin Broke up with Mandy" one of the girls say.
"Yeah i'm totally going for him" the other one says, OK obviously there talking about a boy and a girl who broke up but i have never seen them before, well maybe because i've been trapped in a abandon hospital for all my life but i've been to the super markets many time to know everyone in my town, i must of flown into another town.
"Hello ladies" a guy voice says.
"Hey Justin what are you doing here?" one of the girls say, i hear a snap i turn to see a small kitten with big green eyes, poor thing i kneel down and pick it up standing up.
"Aw we can help" the girls say.
"Yeah she is black with green eyes" he says.
"OK" they say, with a giggle.
"She has to be here" another girls voice says.
"Well find her" the Justin guy says. i look down at the kitten in my arms.
"They must be looking for you little one" i whisper, she looks up at me and purrs.
"I herd Oreo!" the girl voice says, then i hear them walking over to me, out of fear i unfold my wings and fly up to the nearest branch, folding my wings holding Oreo and the tree.
"She isn't over hear" one of the girls say, i hold my breath and but Oreo Meow, another girl with red hair looks up.
"found her and she is with some girl" she says, everyone looks up and looks at me i breath out.
"How did you get up there?" The Justin guy says.
"Um-" i begin.
"I'm a good climber" i lie.
"Awesome you saved Oreo!" the red head says.
" Yeah" i say.
"Can you get down?" the brunette says.
"I think" i say. i put Oreo on my back and then grab the tree sliding down slowly inch by inch this would be easier if they were'nt watching because i could just glide down. i get to the ground.
"Thank you soo much!" the short red head says.
"Welcome" i say, handing her Oreo.
"Who are you?" The Justin guy says.
"I'm Ariel" i say.
"I Ariel" the brunet says.
"I'm Tiffany" She says.
"I'm Christen" the tall red head says.
"I'm Justin" the guy says.
"And i'm Kristen!" the short red head says.
"HI" i say.
"Where do live?" Tiffany ask.
"I'm a run away" i lie.
"Really awesome i was thinking of running away but i love my life so i decided not to" Christen says.
"Yeah" i say.
"So are you going to the adoption house?" Kristen says.
"No" i say, their asking a lot of question.
"Why not?" Justin says.
"Because there controled by the goverment" i say, they all raise an eyebrow.
"Ok then you can stay with me until you decide that you want to go back home" Christen says, that is less likely to happen i'm never going 'home'.
"ok" i say.
"But first do you have any other clothes beside that ripped up dress" Christen says.
"No i dont have any clothes" i say.
"That alright i'll give you some of my clothes" she says.
"Thanks" i say.
"ALright lets go" Justin says, grabbing Kristen hand walking back onto the path and Christen and tiffany follow, i walk slowly behind.
"See you later girls" Justin says.
"Bye" Christen and Tiffany say, i wave ackwardly and when Jusitn and Kristen disappear into the tree Christen and Tiffany turn to me.
"There realted?" i say.
"Yeah Kristen is Adopted" Tiffany says, i could of guessed that if you gave me time.
"So lets go because it looks like its going to rain" Christen says, i nod then the turn around and start walking adn i follow looking at the sky.

Ficção AdolescenteHer mother died at birth because of her and her dad went crazy and jumped from the hospital leaving little Ariel alone, she was different from other people while they walked on the ground she could fly, one day Dr. Saint-John takes her in well not...