The Week

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My name is Kate Jones, Im 14, and I love skating. I have been heart broken by Jake Clarkson. He didn't want anything to do with dating and this is how everything came to just being friends. One night at the popular place everyone hangs out, known as "The Zone".

Right when he walked in the door I had this feeling that he'd be the one. As the night sunk darker all he did was hang with some of my friends. I don't understand how he knew them and not me. I've never seen him in this part of town. (It was surprising because it wasn't the safest neighborhood)

So, back on the hot boy topic I realized he didn't go to my school. He was in high school and went no where near here. I got the balls to talk to him , and the worst of the worst happened. I tripped on my friends shoe, and fell right into him.

All I tell you is I didn't know how to feel. Of course I liked it, but what if he thought I was a creeper. Glancing in his blue glass eyes he helped me up then ran off. Why does everything happen to me?

I called my mom and told her everything , and then she picked me up. I found my laptop, and searched for him on the internet. I'm not some crazy girl trying to get sex, but I think we would be a cute couple. All I know is he has those eyes, the long silky brown hair, and the perfect body. "Someway that helped a lot." I said to my self sarcastically. At 4am I decided when I wake up ill do more research.

• • • • •

The next morning the unexpected happened, I found Jake on instatweet. (If you don't know thats a social media site) I didn't know if I should follow him or not, but if you know the real Kate Jones you would know I followed him. Mostly to see if he'd follow back and notice me.

"Jake followed you" Oh my gosh did that really just happen? The hottest guy ever just followed me. I know I might sound like a fangirl, but he honestly seems really sweet. 3 hours later we had been talking since then and he is sweet, nice, and very social. Every day after that he was so much more attractive then ever.

He even came over from time to time before every Saturday. I took a long shower, and cleansed my face. After I put on so much makeup that I looked like a cake. This week I cared so much how I looked to impress him.

That night it was all for nothing. I thought he was into me after all that time we talked, but then it was all just an act.

• • • • •

I body slammed my self on the bed. My life was over. Jake is all I ever think about, and all I see everywhere. I've never felt this way about any boy. My mom thought I was loosing my mind, so now i go to a Therapist every Friday, a day before I go to The Zone.

Somehow it seems silly were doing all this over a boy, but to me he was more. You can say everyone "understands" but truly no one does. It's more complicated than it seems because he doesn't like me back.

As any teenager all my posters on my wall are of guys, and looking at them they remind me of Jake. Jumping around on my bed I tore off every poster off and hung up tumblr posters. Oh Kate how does that help, I thought to myself.

The real problem is the more I know he doesn't like me the more I like him. After all that's been happening I decided not to go skating. I cant believe i let a boy come between something I love.

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