There stands the hateful Kelly Jean. Right in front of me and Jake kissing. All you need to know is what happens next is not pretty. She was about to tackle me till she passed me, and i pulled her silky hair. I knew she was clueless cause she was a dumb pretty girl, but somehow always passed. We fought like real woman, and she punched me then I knocked her out. To be the bigger person I called an ambulance, and told them she blacked out. As the put her on the gurney we went back inside because her drama was not what I needed right now. No one has a right to walk into my room, and try to fight. My mom understand since I was hurt as well, but we still went to court. Obviously we didn't get charges pressed on us, but I was grounded for 2 weeks.
Jake wasn't aloud to come over, so everyday he brought me lunch and checked on me. Two weeks went by like a breeze, and I was ungrounded. That night I came home, and my mom told me to go to the garage. As I opened the door tears streamed down my face.
"Mom how did you..?"
"I love-" I screamed before interrupted.
"I know just don't crash it."
I only had my permit so I couldn't drive with minors, but Jake had his linsences. Everyday to school and home he would drive me. My mom was so grateful she said we should all have dinner. I knew my mom and his parents in one house would be crazy.
They showed up in a limo. I peeked out the window and my mom opened the door. They said hurry and come on. First my mom got in then I followed. We thought dinner was at our house, so we asked were we are going.
"Le Petit Chateau" Mr. Clarkson replied.
"What is that?" I questioned.
It is french for small castle he explained till we drove up in the parking lot.

Just Friends.
Teen FictionKate is an ordinary teenage girl that has a crush on that special someone. Jake on the other hand is a over the top teenager that just likes to be friends. All Kate dreams of is to date football star Jake. Will she get what she wants or get over the...