The Break

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For a whole month I haven't seen or texted Jake. I had been with my best-friend Noah and Sarah skating at their skating rink. They made me eat all the time cause they were as scared as I was. On insta tweet I saw him and that girl, by the way her name is Kelly are dating. She seemed nice but she was a man stealer, because some of her ex bestfriends said she takes others boyfriends. As soon as I heard that I raced across my room and dove for the phone. Calling him a girl picked up, its Kelly.

"Is Jake there?" I said upset.

"Here.... JAKEEEEE!!"

We were on the phone for 1 hour and I told him the story. He said I was "jealous". So much for being my friend and supporting me.

• • • • •

After about 1/2 week later he texted me a whole book about he's sorry for not believing me, and how much he cares for me. I don't know if I should except his apology. I mean yes I madly like him, but he didn't even trust me on one little thing. Maybe I should just see where things go. I started going to The Zone after all of that stuff happened, but now Jake didn't go. He would pick me up, and I'd spend the night but nothing extreme. Sometimes I feel we're dating. We play so much everyone thinks we date, all he has to say is yes.

-Kate dozed off-

"Do you Jake Clarkson take Kate Jones to marry you ?"

"I do"

-Kate gets back into reality-

On accident I kissed Jake.........

• • • • •

Only because as I woke up after the dream to find myself stared at. Next thing you know we were sitting on the bed, and not saying a word. I chose to leave before he did say anything, or start yelling and making me feel bad. There was no time to explain my dream to him. That would make me look stupider than I already looked. In his view Im probably a clown to him. Untill I got a call from a restricted number. At this point I dont know what to say anymore.

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