Chapter 3

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I wake up and find myself still on top of Luke. I look up and he is staring down at me.

"Good Morning, Long legs." I tell him and he smiles.

"Hey." he says and I try to get up from between his legs, but he speaks again,"No. Wait. You're really warm. Just stay there for a while."

"I can't. Sorry, I have to get up. My Dad has been pestering me about tomorrow's party." I say even though I don't want to.

"Oh. Okay. Yeah it's fine..." he tells me and frowns a bit.

"I would let you help me, but you are probably horrible in fashion." I tell him and laugh while he holds back a smile.

"Fine. I also need to get my clothes for the party. Will you go with me?"He asks and I nod.

"Okay, but will the girl you like be there?" I ask him and force a smile.

He smiles incredibly wide and says the word I dread the most, "Yes."

"Okay." Is all I say before we both leave the room. Luke leaves and we say goodbye.

I stayed hours fixing my jewelry. Calling my hairstylist. Fixing my dress. Shopping for shoes.

My dress is red, well burgundy but it's in a the category of red. It's a strapless mermaid dress.

I hear my phone ring and pick it up without looking at the caller ID. "Hello."

"Hey, It's Harry. Charlie is sick and I have these two tickets to a movie I want to watch. She told me to ask you. Do you want to go?" he asks.

"Uhm," I think for a bit and then answer, "Okay. What time?"


Harry shows up at the theater and I meet him there. The paparazzi will go crazy if they see me with a guy. The only guy they have seen me with is Luke.

"Hello, love." Harry tells me. I don't like his pet name, but it's and England thing, right?

"Hi," I smile,"What movie are we watching?"

"The Purge: Anarchy." As soon as he says that I smile wider and laugh.

"I have been dying to see that movie!" I say very excited.

"Really?" he asks.

"Yes. Well let's go." I say and we go to the theater room. Not before getting some snacks.

We finished the movie and I loved it even though I was biting my lip from the intensity, pulling at hair at some points and the air conditioner didn't work and it was really hot, so I took my coat off and was left in my dress.

We start walking down the lobby and we are alone since no one is here because it's late.

"Well I guess you're not that bad, Harry." I tell him and he smirks.

"Awww you like me!" he coes.

"Ha-ha. You're funny."I say sarcastically.

"And your cute." He says and my eyes widen and I stop from walking to look at him.

"What di-" I get cut off by him pushing me against the wall and kissing me. I try to not respond but it's so hard so I give in.

I finally push him away and he looks at me surprised that I pushed him away.

"Uhm. No, this is really wrong. This never happened." I say and he frowns, but I walk away quickly.

I reach my car and get in the back as Harry comes out and looks around for me. He doesn't know what car I came in and my windows are tainted.

The driver quickly starts driving home.

I just had my first kiss...

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