Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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Chapter 1: Just Another Day

Today is just like anyother day here in Greenboat county of South Carolina. I got up, took a shower and got ready for work. Then I headed down the hall to grab me a cup of sweet tea and headed out. Yeah I drink sweet tea in the morning instead of coffee because I never found the taste for coffee.

I was on my way to the crime lab of Greenboat and had just made it to the outskirts of my smalltown; Tree-Day; when my phone rang. I could tell by the ringtone that it was my boss. Bobby Smith.

"Mary! Good morning!" I heared him say as I answered.

"Same to you boss." I said putting him on speaker so I could pay attention to the road.

"You on your way to the lab?"

"Yes sir."

"Well I need you to take a detour to the Prespitarian Church in Wellhalls. I already called James. He'll meet you there." he said making me turn my car around in someones driveway...I was a driveway intruder for that person lol.

"Starting early don't you think?" I asked.

"Yeah sorry but it's all apart of the job. Sorry about your beauty sleep Mary." he said sarcasticly at the end.

"Very funny but James likes his beauty sleep more than me and it's what is it?"

"Homecide. Body found on the front lawn of the church. Gun shot to the back of the head."

"Ok...I gotcha. Talk to ya later bye."

"Be carefull." he said beforeing hanging up.

As I pulled up I saw my partner on this case James Beck standing next to his car. Now I've worked with James for 4 years now....he started a year after me. He is 6'2" with black hair that he liked to spike up or leave it shaggy style. He also had deep brown eyes. He weighs 225 and it's all muscle however all this also makes him full of himself.

"Glad you finally made it." He said smiling as I walked up.

"Yeah I'm not sure that our vic. feels the same....any idea who they are?" I asked walking up to the body face down in the grass near the steps and wearing a grey suit with grey hair.

"Nope. I was waiting for you...I know how much you like to go through guys pockets for ID's." he said chuckling.

He will never let me live that day down; when we first met and he wouldn't show me his ID I put his arm in an armlock and got his ID from his pcoket after searching all his other pockets.

"Oh how sweet of you." I said sarcasticly.

"Did you at least take pictures of the body before I got here?" I asked putting my gloves on.

"Yeah...I'm not an idiot...I just don't like digging into other guys pockets." he answered.

With that said I started searching out victums pocket for an ID. I found some keys, gum and then finally his wallet.

"Drivers license says Mike Stevens. He works here as the organ player." I said putting the wallet in an evidence bag.

"How do you know that he plays the organ here?"

"I used to come here when I dated Joe."

"God I hated him. I'm glad that you finally left him and made him an ex-boyfriend." James stated with all seriousness.

"I know that you hated him and that your glad I left him. You tell me that all the time. Now can we please not talk about him anymore!?!"

"Yeah sorry." he said changing his tone.

"It's ok...come on help me flip the body onto his back." I said bagging the last of the little bit of evidence we had.

"Yeah that's Mike. I regonize his face." I said as we flipped him over.

"Poor guy. I wonder who could've done this to him?"

"Well that's why we're here! To find out!" James said taking pictures of the body in its new position.

"That's true...very true." I said checking Mike's jacket pockets on the front side.

"Any keys?" James asked.

"Yeah I got Church keys and a house key in his back them earlier, thier in that bag." I said pointing to the bag on the ground next to me.

"No car keys?" he said as he took the bag to take a closer look. I shook my head "No".

"So the killer stole his car?"

"Or he didn't drive today." I stated looking at wear he may have parked his car and seeing no tire marks.

"A nice suit like that...he had to have a car."

"Well right now all he has is a bullet wound in the back of his head...a 45 caliber too." I stated.

"True." James said mocking me.

Just as I was finishing my field examination I saw the medical exminers van pull up. I let out a sigh of relief as the body was no longer telling me anything or gave me anymore evidence. I stood up as the M.E. walked towards us and James walked back over from his car with his kit.

"Hey hey morning can I have my body yet?" Tyler Axel our M.E. asked.

"You're just in time...I just finished my examination of him...didn't get much info or evidence...maybe you will have better luck."

"I'm sure the body always speaks to me...he made you do all the work?" he asked pointing to James.

"Hey I took pictures." James said in his Chistopher Walken voice.

"Oh then that's ok...well thanks for the body. I'll call you when I find something and deffenitly when I get the bullet out.

"You're welcome and make sure you do...Talk to you later Tyler." I daid walking to the doors of the church followed by James.

"Have fun Tyler." James said to him shaking his hand.

"Here's the keys...maybe we can find something inside...I mean he did work here." I said unlocking the Church doors.

"Let's do this." James said pushing the doors open.

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