Chapter 5: Follow my heart or the Rules?

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Chapter 5: Follow my heart or the Rules?

"Mary will you wait a second?!?" James asked grabbing my wrist.

"Why? We need to start searching for clues and evidence about who tried to kill us and who did kill Mr. Stevens." I said stopping and turning around to see a worried look on James's face.

"Mary I'm worried about you." he said grabbing my other arm.

"Why? I'm fine!"

"You almost died in a fire, arms and head cut up like crazy from glass, then just sat there and stared at the fire. Now you're rushing back. That's not like you! You've been saying that you're fine but I know you and I don't think you are. So with all of that how can I not be worried!?" He said moving his hands from my wrist to my shoulders.

"James I Am Fine! And you don't know me that well, also you still didn't answer my question truthfully. So tell me the truth on why you are worried." I said grabbing his hands from my shoulder and removing them.

"Fine truth is that I'm worried about you because I care a lot about you! And not just as friend or co-worker!" he said letting go of my hands.

"What?! What are you talk..." I was cut off by James grabbing my waist pulling me close and kissing me.

I was shocked that he did this but his lips were so sweet that I started to kiss him back and put my hands on his big broad shoulders. I can't believe that I finally gave into his charm. No! I can't! It's against the rules...I don't wont to get in trouble..or hurt again like with my ex. I can't give in or one of us will lose our job. I wont to keep working with him so I can't let my feelings get in the way. I really do like him but this is about our job. So I put my hands on his chest and pushed away.

"James....I...we can't!" I said looking down.

"What are you talking about Mary?" he asked putting a hand under my chin making me look at him.

"I mean...We can't be together...It's against the rul.." I started but was cut of again by his soft lips.

I felt like my whole body was Jell-O and I just couldn't help it. I hated it but loved it at the same time. Soon James stopped and put his forehead against mine.

"I don't care about them and neither do you when you're interrogating someone." he whispered.

"That's not the same."

"I think it is..but if you don't then I'll just have to convince you to take a chance with me." he said placing his hands on either side of my face.

"James please stop!...Let's talk about this later ok? We need to go and process what's left of the church so we can make sure to catch this guy! I don't want him to get away with this!" I yelled pushing James away.

"Ok...I'm sorry." he said with a sad tone in his voice.

"James I...I didn't mean..."

"Come on let's go do our job, we'll talk about it later like you said." he said looking down at the ground as he walked past me.

I feel so bad now. I admit that I was too harsh on him when he was just caring for me. And I care for him too that's why I did that. I wont to see him again so we can't be together unless we wont internal affairs breathing down our neck and questioning everything we do. Now I see him sad and heartbroken and probably hates me now....I hate myself too.

James stayed a few feet ahead of me and wouldn't say anything to me. I hate this silence and hated seeing him like this. I had to apologize.

"James I'm sorry ok...I'm sorry for all of that back there. For everything I said...I just...I just don't wont internal affairs hanging around and I also don't think that we are ready for a relationship just yet....If you're not gonna talk to me now can we talk later?......James please talk to me! Say something!" I said running and grabbing his arm.

"Sorry...I guess I'm just not ready to talk right now." he said turning around towards me and forcefully removing my hand.

"James I said I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me!"

" I'm not. I just don't wanna talk. I wanna finish this case...That's all."


"Looks like they put the fire out." he said walking faster.

I followed his gaze and saw that the crowed had left and the firefighters were starting to pack up while the cops and our good friend detective Tom Hails put up more crime scene tape around the whole building.

"Hey you two...How you feelin?" Tom asked as we walked up.

James shrugged then walked to the what was left of the front doors. Now Tom is a detective that helps us at the crime lab. He is a few years older then me, about 5'9 with short red hair and green eyes. He weighs 225 and always wore his jeans with a white button up.

"What's wrong with muscles?" he asked me.

"Long story...I'll tell you about it later. Did the firefighters give you anything?" I asked him.

"The fire seemed to be started by a match in the dome...matching what James told them and I'm guessing you told James that." he said pointing to the church and James who was looking through ash.

"Thanks Tom...I'll look for where he got off the roof."

"Ok...and good luck with muscles, and I know that you'd find something. I'll see if I can track some witnesses and ask them if they saw anyone strange walking around."

"Sounds great and when this is all over I'll tell you everything with muscles over a beer."

"Sounds great!" he said walking back to his car as I walked to the burnt church.

"See anything?...Got anything?" I asked walking up to James.

"A lot of burnt wood and ash right now...but I hope to find something under all of it." he said sarcastically.

Now I'm not sure if that was rude or flirty but probably rude because he's mad at me for earlier.

"Haha very funny....well I'm going to look around the back and sides of the church to see if I can find how he got up there and got down. Let me know what you find buried under all of this." I said patting him on the back before walking away.

Two can play the "I hate you but want to be with you" game.

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