Chapter 2

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I was beginning to enjoy Luke's company when I spotted a girl glaring at me.

"What are you looking at Andi, he said to find what I was looking at but I just pointed him to the girl I had already recognized as Amarachi.
She's more like my school's greatest bitch.

"oh no! I totally forgot about her, I better go and apologize" he said and walked away.
Still seated in my safe corner, I picked up a magazine and read through, just when I decided to raise my head, I came face to face with Ama.

"Why do you always get what I want?" she asked still glaring at me and I smiled.
She couldn't intimidate me even for a second. I mean no body can ever intimidate a JOHNSON.
"maybe because you are just so careless with your things" I said.

She was so angry by now and she raised her hand to slap me, I wasn't planning on stopping her cause I know she wouldn't dare but even before she could reconsider, Drew caught her hand.

"what are you trying to do?" he asked, he was furious.

Don't mind Andrew, he's the overprotective type and yet so quiet and did I mention he's more like the 'lady's man' type of guy.

With the way he was staring at her, she was melting.

"I'm sorry Drew but she stole my date" Ama tried to explain but before I could talk or before she could continue Luke interrupted.

"Hey, you know we just met outside the gate just when I was about to enter this house, so how am I even your date?" he asked and she was speechless, by now people were beginning to stare at her so she did what was best for her reputation, she stormed out of the party.

"so drama's over people let's enjoy this party" Drew said and just as people were going back to enjoying the party he spoke up again not to everyone this time but to his long time crush. "Monica may I have this dance" he said and she nodded.

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Oops I think I just spilled my brother's greatest secret!!

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Oops I think I just spilled my brother's greatest secret!!

Nobody knows about his crush on Monica not even her, he's scared she sees him more like a brother than a boyfriend and also he's scared of how things would be if it doesn't work between them. As his twin,  I understand him too.

I was lost in thoughts, until Luke spoke up.

"hey what are you thinking of?" he asked.
"nothing, why?" I think I may have zoned out for a while.

"well you actually zoned out for a while there"

mind reader!!

"sorry, so what were we saying?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"well, I wanted to know if we could dance together" he asked and I nodded and gave him my hand. We actually danced for a while, never switching partners except with Drew and Mimi.
    It's getting late already though, Mrs. Williams already came back with the other parents and the guests were beginning to reduce minute by minute.

I was still talking with Luke when he got a text on his phone.

"well princess, I have to go now, my driver's outside, I already have your number so I'll call you, ok" he said and I nodded.

Not long after he had left, Drew came to announce that Mr. Ben, our driver, had arrived.

We said our goodbyes to the Williams before leaving.

"Happy birthday again best friend" I said and hugged her for the last time before leaving.

"Mr. Ben good evening" we greeted when we entered the car.

"Good evening sir, good evening ma, how was the party?" he asked.

This man is old but he still refuse to stop addressing I and my other siblings as sir or ma.

"it was fine,  thank you" normally I would reply because I'm the talkative while Drew was the quiet one but because I'm so tired today I allowed Drew to talk.

The drive home was short as It is a twenty minutes drive to our house from Mimi's place.

"Good evening mum, good evening dad" we greeted when we got home.

"Good evening my loves, how was your day?" my mum asked when we sat down.

"it was good, mum I really need to sleep now, so can I go ahead?" I asked. "me too" drew said.

"yeah sure, I'll ask Alima to get your bath water ready now" my mum said and stood up to look for Alima.

"dad, we'll go ahead now" I said and kissed him gently on his cheek before leaving, Drew too did the same.

"sleep tight, my prince and princess" he said and we went to our separate rooms.

Today's Monday, which means school!


How I so wish I could sleep In today but I'm not the type that misses any school day.
So I dragged myself out of bed.

I was in the bathroom when I heard my room door opening.

I know it's my mum walking into my closet to pick my clothes for school and the other accessories I would wear with it.

I finished in the bathroom and went to my closet to dress up.


"good morning everyone" my teacher greeted us.

"Good morning Ms. Rebecca" we all greeted.

MS. Rebecca Bello is my favorite teacher, not just because she teaches my favorite subject but because she's young, beautiful, understanding, I could go on and on but all in all she's like my big sister. She's 25 and she loves all her student. She's single and searching but unfortunately for her she hasn't found Mr. Right. They all come and go, she's rich too and it's hard for a rich beautiful spinster to find Mr. Right in this country.

Monica sits in front of me in all my classes except the ones where we have to go to the laboratories. We made an agreement not to sit with each other in class so as not to distract each other but it doesn't mean we have to stay far.

Just when the class was about to end, the principal came in with a new student.

"Good morning Mr. Philemon" we all greeted.
"Good morning class, well not to waste much of your time, I'm here to announce that Mr. Luke here would be joining this class as from today so you all should welcome him" he said to us.
"Ms. Rebecca I'll leave the rest to you" he said and left.

"Mr. Luke, you can take the seat beside Andrea, Andi is that okay with you?" she asked.

"yeah sure, Ofcourse" I sound nervous though.

"well that's all for today, good day class" she said and left.

Hi!  Wattpaders...
It's another update!!
I'm so sorry it took me so long to update but I've been so busy!!

Tell me what you feel about this chapter!

Please guyss i really need y'all to say something😩😩
What do you feel about Luke Davies?

Have you taken a moment to check my other books!!? Ok if you haven't it's better you start checking them now!  I'm still working on them though so I need all the help I can! 

Thank you

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