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Lucas stood by the gates of the school Youngmi attended. Both of them had agreed on going on a lunch date while walking to school that very morning.

Even though Youngmi didn't want to agree because she felt guilty for using Lucas to move on, she still agreed.

While waiting, he came to think about Youngmi and their relationship. He knew this whole relationship between them was temporary because he knew that deep inside, Youngmi still loved his hyung.

He knew that those sugar-coated words were lies and that Youngmi was using him to move on. And yet he clinged on to whatever he had because he didn't want to lose Youngmi. All because he, too, was selfish.

"Lucas!" Youngmi calls out to her boyfriend as she ran towards him. She was showcasing a smile, behind it were feelings of pity and guilt.

Lucas was smiling too and behind it were also feelings he didn't want to show. But he didn't care, he just wanted it, even for a bit. He knew he was being selfish but he wanted to be happy, even if it was just for a short while.

It was eating him alive, the thought of how at any moment, Youngmi could run to Ten and never come back to him. When that moment comes, all he can do is accept it and let go.

"Let's go," he nudges Youngmi, intertwining his fingerd with his girlfriend's.

And as they walked of, he thought that it was okay because it hasn't happened yet, Youngmi was still with him. Twelve, at noon, he had to lie to himself a bit longer. He had to be a fool just for a bit longer.

strangers; ten ✓Where stories live. Discover now