The forest

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Anastasia had made her way into a forest, the most dangerous one that she could possibly get to. Many people had died there and graves were scattered every metre. Nights were extremely dark, pitch black at that and during the day poisonous insects scavenge the forest. Snakes had claimed the forest.

She had made a temporary hut around the centre of the forest. Her anger for everyone was sky rocketing at the moment. She had created weapons for food and even battled a sheep for wool so that she could have some kind of warmth on the way to the forest. Unsurprisingly, she hadn't seen any other humans because it was uncommon to make it as far as she did and still be alive.

The only possible way was usually to wear lots of protective gear and have a whole ambulance team with you. Even the animals and creepy crawlers didn't like Anastasia. I guess that was a bit of luck though?

Valerie and Diana were tackling the forest at speed. They were well aware that there was a 80% chance of one of them dying on the way and a 47% chance of both dying. The chances weren't looking good.

Valerie began to feel dizzy just 2 hours into the trip. It was another hour until they would get to where Anastasia was. She fell on the floor smashing her head open and when Diana examined her looking for bites which could of caused her to faint she spotted one. There was a fang still left inside her leg. Diana stayed with Valerie hoping that someone would come along or medical necessities would appear out of the sky. It had gone half an hour and Diana checked her pulse. Nothing. Valerie had died and there's nothing anyone could do. "What if someone found out that this happened and I was with her?" She repeated over and over. She picked her body up chucking it in a bush which goes against everything she knows but she couldn't be locked up in jail at 15 years old. Especially as she wasn't guilty.

Diana continued to go deeper and deeper into the forest. 50 minutes had been and there were only 10 minutes until she met up with Anastasia. If this wasn't true friendship I don't know what is. Diana's life was in major risk for Anastasia. She spotted a little hut and ran over to it. Luckily, Anastasia was in there. She looked a state but Diana didn't even care, she had found her best friend.

Anastasia- "Why are you here?"
Diana- "I knew you would be here."
Anastasia- "Go back home, I don't want to do anything I'll regret."
Diana- "Valerie, the carer, she was with me but died on the way here."
Anastasia- "Don't you get it? You need to leave."
Diana- "No."
Anastasia- "Girl, you know way too much about me and my life. You're gonna regret not leaving 10 seconds ago."
Diana- "what?"

Anastasia grabbed Diana's hand tightly with amazing grip and plugged her mouth. She grabbed one of her tools and drove it deep into Diana's heart killing her instantly. She laughed evilly and carried on stabbing her. There was not any regret in her she believed it was totally necessary and that she should of done it. She picked Diana up, the only true friend she had ever had and chucked her deceased body into a fast flowing river. Then proceeded to wash her hands in it. It glistened as thin strips of light hit the water. The noise was so calming yet something so evil had just happened. Her hands were stained red, she knew it wouldn't go away for a couple days at least.

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