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Hush, hush, dear one,
Let sleep take your mind.
Soft breathing, quiet breaths, calm breathing,
Let sleep take your lungs.

Do not be afraid of the nightly noises,
Do not let the darkness frighten you,
Do not be afraid of the creaking of the house,
Nothing can touch you in my arms.

Hush, hush, dear one,
Quiet your soul to rest.
Let your mind be flooded with the peace of the night.
The soft pat pat of the rain outside,
Let it's quiet tune keep time with mine.

Nothing can harm you here,
In my grasp I will keep out the nightmares,
And shut out the perils of this world.
Here in my arms you are safe.

Hush, hush, dear one,
Let sleep calm your mind and body,
Let sleep bring you on a journey through your imagination,
Let sleep guide you through the night,
Let sleep take you into the morning.

No darkness can harm you here.

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