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I am not in any way making fun of bullying or bully victims.

As shane ran through the school gates, he kept repeating the same thing over and over again in his head 'follow the plan just stick to the plan.' He walked through the doors and took the quickest route to his tutor room that he could find.  As he turned the last corner he saw something that he thought he had finally missed. 2 older boys leaning against the wall out side of his tutor room door.
"Hey shaney-shane.  Ready for a beating?"
"O-oh I d-didn't thi-" Shane was cut off
"Took bad you don't get a choice"  The boy behind shane put his arm around his chest as he stood on the back of his knee, forcefully pushing him to the floor.
'Good luck getting yourself out of this one shane.'


The boys left as the bell rang, leaving shane to haul himself up by himself and make the short walk to tutor.  He walked through the door and walked straight to the corner.  Everyone had there own spot.  The 'cool kids' sat in the middle of the room, there was six of them.  Eugene, Ned and his girlfriend Ariel, Keith, Jen and Ryan.  You had 'the nerds' over near the computers.  Shane only knew Zach out of all of them.  There was 'the girls'.  The girls were not to be messed with.  Kelsey was a nice girl as long as you didn't upset her.  But if you did, they'd be hell to pay.  Everyone had a place.  Except Shane.  He was 'that kid' that no one likes.  The weird tall one that was picked on 'because he's gay.'  They say it like it's a bad thing.  He sat in the corner thinking of exuses for the bruises that were peppered over him.  No one noticed or did anything about it.  It tured into a routine.  The bell rang, signaling that tutor was over and it was time to go to class.  Shane tried to pull himself up but failed.  His large frame came stumbling back towards the ground.  He gave a small whimper as he hit the floor.  He sighed and got up.  Rushing to the door to leave before he made anymore of a fool out of himself.  He was in such a hurry that he forgot something.  His bag.

As Shane ran out of the door, Ryan noticed something on the floor.  There was a galaxy hype bag laying where the taller boy once sat.  Ryan threw shane's bag over his shoulder, carrying his own in his left hand walking down the corridor towards the staircase.  He was sure he had a class with him.  And if he didn't he would ask at reseption at break what class shane had next to drop it off for him. 

Ryan made his way to his class and sat down, putting one bag on each side of his chair and waited for class to be over.  Once it had finally finished, he got up and picked both bags up and walked out of the room.  He only had to sit through this next history lesson until he could have his 20 minute break.  History was uneventful, they were learning about the time that British troops burnt down the white house.  As history came to an end Ryan decided to go and look for shane.  It shouldn't be difficult. He thought he's do tall I could probably see him from the other end of the corridor.  Ryan went the the ground floor of the school.  Thinking it would be a good place to start.  He walked around the ground follow and came up empty handed.  He checked the first floor.  To no avail.  We went up to the last floor when he found the poor boy.  Huddled in the corner, behind the door, unconscious.  He had a large red stain on his shirt and had blood pooling not the side of his head which was dripping onto his shoulder.  Ryan dropped both bags in shock.  He keeled down beside the taller boy and looked at his head.  He touched it gently, happy that he was passed out as it would probably hurt badly.  Ryan pulled of his shirt and used it to soak up some of Shane's blood.  The bell rang.  But Ryan didn't move.  He needed to stay with Shane.  He needing to make sure he was alright.  Not five minutes later, a small groan escaped Shane's lips.  He forced his eyes open and saw Ryan holding onto his head, with his shirt in his hand.
"Ryan what's going on?" Shane questioned.
"I'm not to sure, I came looking for you because you left your bag in tutor and found you sitting in the corner, covered in blood."
Memories rushed into Shane's head.  The boys found him walking up the stairs to try and get his bag he realised at break that he had left there.  When they pinned him in the corner, and used a compass to cut into his skin.  He looked at his had to see that his fingers were dislocated.  They shut those in the door.  Small tears had started forming in the corner of his eyes as he finally felt the pain of what had happened.  Ryan noticed and wiped them away, giving shane a sympathetic smile.  He picked up the older boys hand and inspected his fingers.  Shane flinched, causing him more pain making a hot teardrop run down his already red face. Ryan placed shane's hand on the floor and pulled himself up next to the taller man.  Shane sniffed and lent on Ryan, slowly soaking his shirt in his own tears.

At last the final bell rang.  Ryan picked up both bags and wrapped an arm around shane's waist, helping him off the ground.  Shane had great difficulty getting down two flights of stairs with about four hundred students eager to get home rushing past him. He got knocked a few times and had to use Ryan as support.  When they finally got to the bottom Ryan pulled shane gently towards the door, leaving the school and started walking towards town.
"Ryan I live in the other-" Shane started
"Doesn't matter.  I'm talking you to the hospital."
"Ugh!  I'm fine Ryan I don't need to go to hospital!"
"Shane stop complaining.  Your going weather you want to or not so you might as well get it over and done with.  And you won't want your parents to see you fingers like that would you?"
"No Ryan." Shane mumbled
the rest of the long walk was quiet. 

Once they got to the hospital Ryan pulled shane to the reseption and tried to get him fill out the forms. However, the he was right handed and that was the hand with the dislocated fingers, so Ryan had to fill it out for him.

Name:  Shane Alexander Madej

Sex: Male

Date of birth: 16-05-1986

Birthplace:  Chicago, IL

Any previous illnesses: None

Contact number: 07385254504 (This is a random number, please do not ry to contact it)

Allergies: None

Ryan handed the forms I to reseption and sat down with Shane.
"Thank you." Shane said simply
"What for?"
"Well no one's ever done this for me.  Especially when they hardly know me.  No one has ever forced me to walk to the hospital to get something looked at that I'm sure will heal soon.  I guess I've just never had anyone there for me.  So thank you Ryan.  So much."
Ryan just smiled.  They fell into a comfortable silence.

"Mr madej?" The nurse called.
They stood up and followed her into a small room and they sat on the chairs next to the bed.  She eyed up his hand and the cuts and bruises that were over his skin.
"I need to know exactly what happened in as much detail as possible."  Shane just groaned and looked at Ryan.  He told the nurse what happened while Shane sat there just looking at the white tiles underneath his feet embarrassed and disappointed in himself. Ryan told her what he knew, before saying "I'll see what I can get out of him but he's not really in the mood to talk." She simply nodded and left them alone.

"Hey big guy," Ryan started softly. "This won't be very fun but I need to know what exactly happened, not just the way I found you."  Shane slowly explained what had happened, with a small glint of tears in the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall out.  I fought violently with himself to stop them.  But it was too late.  Hot tears ran down his face as he turned away from Ryan, trying to stop him from seeing him cry for a second time that day.  Ryan reached out for his hand and ran his thumb softly over his knuckles, holding it gently.  Shane still looked in the opposite direction.  Ryan nudged him with his elbow.
"Well i was walking down the corridor towards tutor and they were standing outside.  They cut me with the compass outside The door but it wasn't too bad.  Then I realisedthat I had left my bag.  So I went to go and get it when I ran into them again.  This time they his me.  They hit my arms and head then bent my fingers back until they were dislocated.  After about 10 minutes you found me." 
Ryan's arm snaked around shane's waist pulling him closer.
"I'm sorry they treat you like that.  You dint deserve it."  Shane put his head on Ryan's shoulder.  They stayed silent for a while before Ryan whispered
"I think I love you shane."
"I hope that your right."

Word count: 1630

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