Sunday Morning

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alliecat1029 thanks for suggesting :)

Shane woke up to his eyes being abused by the sun.   He knew he forgot something and that was to close the curtains.  He rolled onto his side and heard a small yelp.  He sat up and looked down.  When he rolled over he managed to his a certain Ryan Begara in the nose.
"Ow Shane!" Ryan complained
"Sorry but the sun harassed me and I had to move."
Ryan groaned and turned over.
"Hate you."
"Nah you love me. "
"Unfortunately." Ryan started getting up and walking out of the bedroom they shared.
"Come on Shane!"
"Nnnnnuuuu!"  Shane wined as he got up.  He saw Ryan in the kitchen and Complained, "I wish I didn't have a spine."  Ryan just gave him an 'I'm disappointed in you' look.
"What then I wouldn't have to walk down the stairs.  I could just slither."
Ryan just rolled his eyes and turned around.  Shane walked up behind him and kissed his lips.
"That's theft.  You didn't have permission."
"Do I have permission?"
"Of course."
"Then why did I-"
Ryan shut shane up with a kiss.
"That's theft." Shane giggled.  Ryan just ignored his comment
"I don't wanna move today."
"Hoped you'd say that." Shane wrapped his arms around Ryan's waist and carried him to their bedroom.  He put Ryan down as he flopped dramatically onto the bed.
"Move over big foot!"
"Make me." Shane laughed.  Ryan groaned and pushed shane off the bed and slid into his side of the bed.  Shane got back up and sat next to Ryan poking his face and his rips making him squirm.
"SHanE St0P!" Ryan whined while hitting shane with a pillow.
Ryan grabbed the half full water bottle on his bedside table and poured the contents onto shane's front.
"That'll teach you."
"Not really no." Shane said ad he pulled Ryan closer  so his back was pressed up against shane's wet shirt.
"I hate you."
"I can change that." Shane said.  Ryan looked at him confused as shane pressed their lips together.  They held it first a moment before breaking away.
"That's still theft."

Word count: 377.
Bit short but hope you enjoyed.  The next ask shyan should be out soon  so stick around for that.

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