Chapter 20

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"You're serious?" Ben said from beside me.

"Absolutely," I said as I drove down the road. "Don't you dare peek."

I didn't want Ben to have a clue where we were going, so I made him wear a blindfold.

"I thought you were kidding about it being a surprise," he complained.

"Well, now you know I wasn't," I said unsympathetically. "It won't be that much longer."

"I'd like to at least see it if I'm going to die in a fiery car crash," he joked.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "I happen to be an excellent driver. You'd know that if you relinquished your keys more often." As I was speaking, I pulled into the small parking lot and barely paid attention to how I was parking. Three days before Christmas, the park was completely deserted. I was, apparently, the only one crazy enough to think that coming here was a good idea.

At least there's no snow...

"Couldn't we have just walked?" he teased, when I turned off the car.

"Yes, but we're going to be cold enough," I said, stopping Ben's hand as he started to reach for the blindfold.

"Aren't we here already?" he said.

"Mostly," I said, pressing the button to release his seat belt. "But you're still not allowed to look yet."

Huffing, he sat back and waited as I went around the car and opened his door.

"This doesn't strike you as a little silly?" he said when I took his hands to pull him up out of the car.

"Of course it is," I said. "But don't worry. No one can see you but me."

He frowned, trying to figure out where we were and I smiled as I shut the car door.

"Trust me," I said, pulling him forward.

"Becca, where the heck...?" He started after several minutes of me guiding him over the terrain. His question cut off as I pulled the blindfold away.

Curiously, he glanced around before he looked at me.

"You wanted to go to the park?" He sounded amused.

I nodded.

"In December?"

"I wanted to come to this spot in the park," I said. We were currently standing beside the jungle gym.


I just smiled.

Understanding that I wanted him to remember something, he watched me in disbelief.

"Becca, we must have played here thousands of times."

"Think, Ben."

Frowning, he looked around again. After a minute, I knew he got it when he smiled.

"Our first kiss," he said.

Smiling, I nodded. "You only wanted to learn how to kiss," I said. "But to me, it was much more special than that. This spot has always been a little extra special to me."

He smiled at the memory for a minute before seeming to understand why I might have brought him here.

Good to his word, Ben hadn't tried to persuade me over the last week. For the most part, everything was completely normal between us. He didn't try to kiss me or even hint at demanding an answer. He just let me think, trusting that I'd choose him when I was ready.

He watched me seriously and took my hand.

"Does this mean that you...?"

Biting my lip, I smiled and nodded.

"I love you, Ben. Whatever happens, that'll never change."

A slow smile spread across his face and he took a step closer.

"I love you," he said, touching my face.

"Merry Christmas," I said softly.

"Couldn't ask for a better present," he said before closing the distance and pressing his lips to mine.

His arms came around me and, finally, I could simply enjoy it without having to think about hurting anyone else or worrying about the future. I could revel in the fact that the whole world ceased to exist when Ben kissed me, rather than feeling guilty about it.

It was too cold to stay outside very long, but it was easy enough to pick it back up in the car.

"What changed your mind?" Ben mumbled against my neck.

"Your mom," I said, a little breathless.

He sat back to look at me. "My mom?"

I laughed and nodded. "She helped me see that whatever happens is worth it because of you. Because our relationship is going to be incredible, and I wouldn't want to miss out on it for anything in the world."

He smiled at me for a minute before he kissed me softly.

"Remind me to get her a better Christmas present," he joked.

I laughed and pulled him back to my lips. 

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