Chapter 7; Halloween

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

At long last, the Halloween feast had arrived.

After that unfortunate run-in with the three headed dog, Malfoy was shocked to see that the three of us were still at hogwarts the next day, looking tired but in good spirits. Ron and Harry spent a lot of time talking about what the three headed dog was guarding, and at first I didn't really care, but when Harry told me about the grubby little package from vault seven hundred and thirteen, I started to get interested.

One morning when all of us were at the dining table eating breakfast, the morning post arrived, as it always does, but this time six screech owls carrying a large, long package swooped in and dropped it right in front of Harry. I was interested at first, but then my raven swooped in and dropped a parchment paper envelope on the table in front of me. It had an Asgardian seal on it.

While Harry was reading the letter that came with his large package, I ripped open my letter and read it discreetly. I immediately recognized Thor's untidy Scrawl;

Dear Loki,

Hello. I wanted to write to you earlier but mom wouldn't let me. Nothing much has happened here, except that the Asgardian army went to check on one of the nine realms, I think it was Svartalfheim. They haven't gotten back yet. I know you'll want to know, but Odin hasn't mentioned your absence at all, even though it affects all of us. I really miss you Loki, and I hope you'll come to see us during the Christmas and Easter Holidays. Can you tell me what you've been up to and what happened there? Can you tell me what you learned? Did you make any friends? I want to know everything. Please write back as soon as possible.

Love, Thor

I fold up the letter happily, touched by it. I didn't know Thor cared about me that much. Harry grabs my arm and pulls me out of the great hall, and I don't really know why.

"What is it?" I demand when we're out of the great hall.

"Read this!" Harry says excitedly, thrusting a note into my hands. I read over it. The package is Harry's nimbus 2 thousand. I can see why he's excited.

I could see Malfoy walking over to us. He grabs the parcel out of Harry's hand and examines it.

"That's a broomstick, Potter." He says with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. "You'll be in for it this time, first years aren't allowed broomsticks."

"It's not any old broomstick." Ron butted in. "It's a nimbus 2 thousand. What did you say you have at home, Malfoy? A comet 2 sixty? Comets are flashy, but they're not in the same league as the nimbus."

Before Malfoy could answer, Professor Flitwick appeared at his elbow.

"Not arguing, I hope?" He squeaked.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, professor." Malfoy told him immediately.

"Oh yes, Professor Mcgonagall told me about all the special circumstances. What model is it?" Flitwick asked, beaming at Harry.

"A nimbus 2 thousand." Harry said. "And it's really Thanks to Malfoy here that I got it." He added. It was satisfying to see the look of horror on Malfoy's voice.

As we were walking upstairs, savoring the look on Malfoy's face, we had a run-in with Hermione, who was becoming even more bitter with us by the moment. Our friendship was diminishing.

Harry ripped open the parcel as soon as we reached our dormitory, and when I caught a glance of his new broom, even I wouldn't resist a "woah." It was shiny, neat, and it had a mahogany handle with neat, straight twigs.

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