Chapter 9; Dragons

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

When the Holiday season had ended, Hermione was shocked that Harry had walked around the school at night, and even more so that they didn't find a single thing about Nicolas Flamel while she was gone. I didn't tell them about the incidence with Dumbledore because they might have thought me mad.

Harry told me that Snape would be refereeing the next Quidditch match, Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff, and even I agreed that it was unfair. We were in the common room at that time, when Neville suddenly toppled through the portrait hole and into the common room, his legs stuck together in a leg-locker curse.

Everyone started to laugh, except for Hermione, who immediately uttered the counter curse.

"What happened?" She asked him as she helped Neville to his feet.

"Malfoy." He muttered. "I met him outside the Library. He said he was waiting for someone to practice that on."

"I'll get him..." I muttered scathingly.

"You have to stand up to him, Neville! You can't let him push you around like this!" Hermione encouraged.

"Don't worry, when I'm done with him, he'll never lay a finger on you again." I reassure Neville.

Hermione looks at me with a strange look on her face. Harry comes over with a Chocolate Frog.

"You're worth twelve of Malfoy. The sorting hat chose you for Gryffindor, and where's Malfoy? In stinking Slytherin." Harry says, handing the Chocolate Frog to him.

I look down at my feet, recalling for the hundredth time what house the sorting hat told me I belong in. I don't belong in Gryffindor at all, but yet it put me in here instead of Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Was Slytherin really that bad? Was I really that bad?

"I found Nicolas Flamel!" I heard Harry yell, experiencing a sharp snap back to reality. I was immersed too deep in my thoughts.

"Where?" Ron asked.

"Look, I found him on the Chocolate Frog!" Harry says. I jump up and take a peek at the card, and sure enough, Flamel's name is on it.

Hermione took showed us a book that she presumably checked out for some "light" reading, (it was easily 1000 pages) and she said that Nicolas Flamel created the Sorcerer's Stone, which created the elixir of life, rendering the drinker immortal. That got me interested.

During Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry continued to fret about the upcoming Quidditch match, which we all told him not to worry about, but Snape wasn't exactly helping. Potions was turning into a weekly torture for Harry, as Snape was so horrible to him. Harry even shared with us the thought that Snape could read minds, and I didn't respond to that. Me and Snape's connection was too strong to be a coincidence.

The four of us took our usual seats at the Quidditch match the next day, and as we waited for the players to emerge onto the field, I scanned the stands to see who was here. I saw Dumbledore on one of the towers, and my heart soared. Snape wouldn't do anything too unfair if Dumbledore was watching.

Soon enough, Malfoy stopped by and poked Ron in the back of his head.

"Oh, sorry, Weasley, I didn't see you there." He grins broadly to Crabbe and Goyle. "Anyone want a bet of how long Potter's going to stay on his broom this time? Anyone?"

I turn around slowly to face him and when he recognizes he jumps slightly.

"I want to bet that if you don't get out of here in the next five seconds you will have a large bruise on your perfect face." I say coolly.

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