Chapter 12; Respect

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(Told from Loki's Point of view)

Vision foggy, I walk down a dark hallway with no thought of where I'm heading. I turn the corner and a figure is standing there, waiting patiently. I stop and the figure comes into focus... it's Thor. He's older and the sacred hammer Mjolnir is in his hand.

"...we were raised together, we played together, we fought together, do you remember none of that?" He says.

"I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness." I reply, my voice deeper and laced with anger. "I remember you tossing me into an abyss, I who was, and should be king!"

The background fades, and we're standing on a cliff instead of a dark hallway. I see Thor's mouth moving, but I can't hear him. Then my voice creeps through the darkness:

"I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." I say, But my mouth doesn't move, and then I hear a sharp ringing in my ears, getting louder and louder until—


My eyes snap open and the bright light of the hospital wing startles me. I blink rapidly and the sunlight recedes as Madam Pomfrey comes into view.

"Thank god, you're up. You should take some of this medicine and have something to eat, but first Professor Dumbledore would like to see you now." She says. "He'll visit you in your bed, of course."

I look up at her, startled. She walks away from me to tend to another student in a bed across from me. I sit up slowly and swallow the medicine that she's put on my bedside table, next to a small pile of other gifts, like Chocolate Frogs and Every Flavor Beans.

"What happened?" I asked her. She didn't respond.

"I assume Dumbledore will tell you." She replies shortly. "I have work to do."

I don't question her further. I sit and wait patiently for Dumbledore to arrive, and sooner than expected, the door opens and Dumbledore, looking happy in his long, silver beard walks in.

"I would like Mr. Odinson and I to be alone for this visit, if you don't mind." He tells Madam Pomfrey. She leaves looking slightly miffed, as though she doesn't want to leave her patients.

"Professor, can you tell me what happened while I was unconscious?" I ask politely.

"In a moment." He replies. He walks over to my bed and sits at the foot of it.

"What happened to the Sorcerer's stone? What about Harry?" I ask. My eyes scan the hospital wing and my eyes fall on a black-haired boy lying on bed next to a table full of goodies.

"It's alright, the Stone has been destroyed." Dumbledore reassures me. "Quirrell has been... killed."

"Quirrell? Why..." I trail off. "It wasn't Snape, was it? Harry thought it was Snape. I disagreed."

"Professor Snape, and yes, You were right." He smiles.

I look him in the eye. "You aren't doing something funny to me, are you? What happened with the mirror? Do you know? Was it a dream?" I question.

"Slow down." He says calmly.

"Sorry, I just like to be informed." I apologize.

He chuckles. "I'm not doing anything to you. I've learned my lesson from that night. No, it wasn't a dream. That really happened."

"So you know what.... who... who I am?" I stutter.

"Yes. I don't think it's wise to continue to mettle with your mind, Loki." He says.

Loki Odinson And The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now