Episode 1: Pilot

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[Pan across Capital ship "SS Vanguard Brass". Camera settles on bridge of ship, slow boom in on backlit captain sitting in captain's chair with face completely darkened. Lights phase on and transition into battle scene. Gen. Wolfegar stands up and exclaims]

Gen. Wolf: Dammit those Altos are destroying our Trumpets. Focus the auto cannons on the Altos and someone Hail Spec ops Commander immediately.

[Gen. Wolf stares at the ensuing chaos from the bridge's Windows. Cut to Alto fighters getting destroyed by auto cannons from the ship]

Crew member: Sir I have the Spec ops C on the line.

Gen. Wolf: put him up on the screen Corporal.

[Commander Mathew of the SS Despair appears on screen]

Gen. Wolf: Captain I need you to organize a hijacking of the SS Bomba immediately.

Commander Duclos: Yes sir, immediately General.

[Captain Duclos goes off screen and Colonel Jalen and Colonel Nate comes on immediately after]

Cln. Brillon: Sir?

Cln Valentine: Sir, you requested my presence.

Gen. Wolf: Yes Colonel Valentine, although this is not what I had in mind, desperate times call for improper conferences. Men I am sure you have heard of the terrible loss of one of our esteemed Commanders along with his most capable ship, Commander Gottfried and the SS Eternal Legacy. It is my pleasure to announce that we will in short time capture a ship with similar Capabilities as the Legacy; from the Woodwind Order. And through much deliberation, it is my honor to announce the Captain of such a powerful vessel. Captain Brillon.

[Captain Brillon speaks as Colonel Valentine objects]

Captain Brillon: I accept with great honor the responsibilities of such a position.

(Colonel Valentine: Sir? You cannot be speaking seriously, this is an outrage, i have more years under your command than even your own ship.)

Gen. Wolf: You will accept this decision made with great care and after much deliberation, or you will be relieved of your position... entirely.

Captain Brillon: Sir. If you would allow Colonel Valentine to be placed as my second in command...

Gen. Wolf: Well... as you can see... Captain Brillon is lacking in envy, as opposed to yourself COLONEL Valentine.

Colonel Valentine: Sir please I urge you to reconsider your decis...

[General Wolf signals corporal to cut transmission and cuts off Colonel Valentine before he finishes speaking. General walks towards holo-fleet battle map in disappointment. Turns head towards concerned Corporal]

Gen. Wolf: Corporal... for the first time in this war, I hope I never find out whether that was a good or bad decision.

[Cut to Commander Duclos. Man walks into bridge of SS Despair. Man salutes Commander immediately.]

Commander Duclos: At ease soldier.

Sergeant Roldan: You called sir?

Commander Duclos: I need you and a squad of assault troops to infiltrate and take command of an enemy battleship.

Sergeant Roldan: Sir. May i ask which one sir?

[Commander turns and points out the window towards the SS Bomba]

Commander Duclos: That one.

Sergeant Roldan: Sir. I'll need an escape pod.

Commander Duclos: Done.

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