Episode 5: The New Toys

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[Intro: pan across SS Brass Mongrel from far away, to tip of ship, to hangars and hardpoints, around the engines, and through bridge window. Close up on General's face, flash from K's hologram activation, General walks away wondering]

Wolf: You're telling me this ship can store and deploy a Corvette?

K: ...two actually.

Wolf: What else does this ship have?

K: 12 Piano ship launchers, 8 Forte ship launchers 1,040 missile pods, 104 Cb-PDC cannons, 80 G-PDC...

Wolf: I understand... it's a powerful ship. But these ship launchers... I've never heard of them.

K: A fighter, for example, is loaded to the launcher and set into place.

[Shot of fighter being loaded onto launcher]

K: Then the fighter is magnetically launched through the track and propelled from the ship at high flight speed.

Wolf: Interesting... I see why they sent a Capital ship, and why they may send more. What is the range on our jump drive?

K: Our Db-N3-Hyper Drive has a range of 211 light years.

Wolf: Armor?

K: 7 inches of Eb Energy/Projectile Fff reactive armor plat...

Wolf: Shields?

K: 4 Cb-N3-Shield Cores.

Wolf: Huh... I had expected N2s at least.

K: Are you insulting my ship?

Wolf: Our ship K.

K: ...you sure know how to talk to a lady don't you?

[K gets closer]

Wolf: Sorry, I haven't been married in years.

[Wolf leans in]

K: We aren't married.

Wolf: Sure feels like it.

K: You do know how to talk a lady. Well if we were married I'd push you off the bed.

Wolf: I'd gladly stay on the floor.

K: I'd be awake while I did it.

Wolf: Ooh... you do know how to get to a man's heart don't you.

[Lieutenant Roberts walks in. General Wolf walks away from K's console.]

Roberts: Sir?

Wolf: Lieutenant...

Roberts: How does the new ship feel?

Wolf: Big.

Roberts: How does she fight?

Wolf: Oh she fights just well, doesn't she K?

K: Yes sh-she does General, very well.

Wolf: In fact, she fights so well, I happen to be planning an invasion.

Roberts: Of where sir?

Wolf: I'll have to get back to you on that Officer.

Roberts: Of course sir. I shall go inspect our invasion gear.

Wolf: Dismissed.

[Roberts leaves bridge while glancing dismissively at K. General walks to window console and sits next to K. Cut to Commander Duclos and Corporal Roldan in SS Despair]

Cpl. Roldan: Sir, 3 destroyers, 2 frigates captured Sir.

Com. Duclos: Well done Corporal, they will make good additions to the fleet.

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