Episode 18: Demons(Season Finale)

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[Wolf rides his beast through the south african jungle. Cut to Sitton on the bridge with Lieutenant Smead.]

Smead: Sir, I have him on the scanners.

Sitton: How many are there?

Smead: Just him Sir.

Sitton: Are you sure it's him?

Smead: He seems to have General markings on his shoulder and armor Sir.

Sitton: Fine... drop the nose and prepare the frontal cannon.

Smead: Sir I thought you wanted him alive for now?

Sitton: I said drop the nose and prep the frontal cannon.

[Wolf lifts his axe and throws it to his left while the Mongrel dips its nose to the ground. Trees begin to rattle and a horn can be heard in the distance as the Mongrel fires a shot from it's Cbb. Wolf begins to ride sideways to the Mongrel as the round travels. The powerful shot from the Cbb is struck away by Wolf's axe yet he is knocked off Rogue. Wolf then stands and walks over to Rogue to see him standing in a large crater where the Cbb landed. Wolf gets back on his beast and calls his axe which lands in his hand then he throws it straight at the Mongrel landing and sticking in to the glass of the bridge. Shot of Sitton stepping away from the window being startled by it. Wolf calls his axe back retracting it from the bridge glass then rides towards the Mongrel.]

Sitton: Drop one of a transport ship, let him on.

Smead: Yes sir.

[Cut to K having a conversation with Commander Haley.]

K: Commander I know we've had our disagreement in the past but this is bigger than your distaste for artificial intelligence. I won't lash you this time Commander.

Haley: Distrust would be more appropriate mam. Considering you were built by woodwinds for woodwinds, and only decided to help us from a conversation.

K: Your distrust may not be entirely unreasonable Commander. Yet I am still In charge. I want you to focus your forces in land towards our fight, the more powerful we are the better the chance of cutting through the Woodwinds.

Haley: That was absolutely completely inaccurate gibberish that just came out of your mouth, I disagree completely and will now proceed in minimal detail why I make better decisions than you. I believe our forces should work to encircle and defeat our enemies through flanking tactics not superior numbers.

K: Yet we have superior numbers.

Haley: I'd hope you do not underestimate your opponent mam.

K: I hope you remember who here is the superior officer.

Haley: Yes mam.

K: Gillespie send 1,000 troops and 30 TB-2 tanks to Commander Haley's army.

Gillespie: Yes mam.

K: Commander Haley remember my orders well, divert the path, but do not alter the result, understood?

Haley: Yes mam.

[Transmission cuts off.]

K: Gillespie forget it, send him 700 troops but give him some "cavalry" to guard them.

Gillespie: Uh... yes mam.

K: Urquhart I want ten small scout parties scouting the area.

Urquhart: Mam, the General already has 6 parties out, should I bring them back?

K: Yes, and send more.

Urquhart: Yes, sir.

K: Tell the rest of the men we march in 12 hours.

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