Don't worry about me

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Mitch laid on the couch watching Spongebob and petting Wyatt while Scott cooked dinner.
-Sky? - He called.
-My queen. - Scott answered.
-Let me help you. - Mitch slowly got up from the couch. Scott hurried to get to the living room and get his friend laid again.
-Mitch, come on. -Scott caressed Mitch's hair - For how long have I known you?
Mitch looked up to estimate the years. Scott giggled.
-Don't you think I know you well enough to tell when you're sad?
Mitch nodded. Scott's sweetness made him feel so good and comfortable, but at the same time, everything that seemed good about Scott made him feel like there was something missing. He just didn't know what it could be.
-So let me please take care of you. - Scott continued.
-What about the interview?-Mitch asked.
-I can cancel it if you want.
-No, don't. I just want to know at what time it is.
-We have one hour. Now relax.
Mitch laid down again and Scott turned around to return to the kitchen.
-Scott wait - Mitch called, making the blonde stop walking. - I'm fine.  I mean... There's nothing wrong. I'm just feeling a little upset today, I guess I woke up in a bad mood. Just...I don't want you to worry about me.
Scott smiled. There was no way in a million years that he wouldn't worry about Mitch.
In 10 minutes the dinner was ready. Scott put the food on a board and took it over to Mitch. Just then he noticed he had fallen asleep. "How cute", he thought, "I wish I didn't have to wake him up". Scott gently cuddled Mitch's hair.
-Mitch, wake up. - He whispered. Mitch didn't move. -Mitchy...
Mitch sighed and slowly brought his hands over his face to rub it. Opened his eyes to see the other blues looking at him.
-Hey - Scott said, still playing with his hair.
Mitch closed his eyes once more to enjoy his friend's cuddles.
-Mitch, the soup will get cold... After the interview, you may get more cuddles.
Mitch grinned. He sat down and stretched, then made room for the other to sit next to him.
-Thanks, Scott, you're such a sweetheart.
-Feeling better?
Scott upped the tv's volume. Spongebob was still running. Mitch looked at the screen but he wasn't even watching the cartoons. He finished eating and leaned his head over Scott's shoulder. Scott didn't move.
-Did you talk to Kirstie?
Scott didn't answer. He was too focused on the cartoons.
-Scott -Mitch repeated. Scott trembled, turning his attention to his friend.
-Yes, sorry. Tell me.
-Have you talked to Kirstie?
-No, why? Did you talk to her? How is she?
-She's fine. She's sent me a message today asking if we wanted to hang out tomorrow, I thought she'd text you as well.
-She didn't.
-Well, she wanted to see us before the tour...
-Awh, she's the best. I don't know if I can make it, though. I have plans with Alex.
Mitch's heart stopped pumping. Alexander Kirk? It couldn't be. He and Scott had dated like 3 years ago and suddenly they were friends again? How could that be?
-Alex? You mean Alex Kirk?
-What are you doing?
-He's just invited me to go over.
-Mitch, I know what I'm doing. We've just started chatting a while ago because he posted an old picture of us and I found it funny. Plus, it's good to bring back some memories.
-What if you bring back feelings instead?
-We won't. We've made that clear, Mitch. It's just a friends meeting.
-Over at his house.
-With other people too! Come on, Mitchy, stop overreacting. You know I won't do the same mistake twice.
Suddenly Scott's phone rang on face time. It was Tyler from the agency - time for the interview. Scott connected the phone to the television.
-You ready?
-Yup. -Mitch tidied his hair and sat up straight. So did Scott. He then took the call.
-Hey, goodnight! -Tyler said.
-Heyy! -they both said.
-Is this a good time? Can we proceed with the interview?
-Sure, we're all ready. - Scott smiled. Mitch agreed.
-Okay great. I've got here a couple of questions prepared for you guys, some were made by the writer of this article and others we took from some of our readers on Twitter. Is that okay with you?
-Yeah, absolutely.
-Excellent. So let's start off with the writer's questions. You've done more than one European tour with Pentatonix, yet this is your first time as Superfruit. What are your expectations?
-I'm feeling pretty positive, to be honest. -Mitch started. -As long as I have good company I know I'll do great. And as my company is Scott, it'll be beyond great.
Scott laughed.
-Yes, I feel the same. Actually, I'm really proud that we got as much support with Superfruit as we did with Pentatonix. I didn't expect that so many people would like us to sing other than acapella.
-The first part of the tour will last 2 weeks. It will be two busy weeks, won't it?
-Yes, very. -Scott replyed.-We've got to rehearse before the shows, make soundchecks, and between the shows we have lots and lots of interviews to schedule.
-Yeah but it's all worth it. We also have meet&greets with fans and for me, it's one of the best things about the tour. It's just unbelievable to see people's support every time. -Mitch added.
-Absolutely - Scott agreed.
-What are the countries you're the most excited to visit? - Tyler asked.
-That's a hard one - Mitch said.
-One of my favorite tours so far was the Asian tour with pentatonix. - Scott said.
-Yes, Japan was great.
-Japan was definitely one of my favorites. But since we're talking about Europe...
-I loved Italy, last time.
-Hmm, yes that one was good but this time we're going to go to countries that we've never been before... I guess that's what I'm the most excited about.-Scott concluded.
-Do you take time to visit the countries and look around?
-Every time we can! -Mitch said. -But that is sometimes hard because we need to sleep.
-Yeah, sleep is very important. Because we're always so busy and the trips are very tiring we have to get rest to be able to do the shows. And then there's jet lag. Sometimes tourism is a luxury we can't afford. - The blonde explained.
-What about your manager?
-Esther, she's great. - Mitch said. - She's the one who schedules mostly everything. In fact, she's the only reason why we can take our time to be with fans, relax when we need and visit the countries.
-Alright- Tyler said - So now let's proceed to the public's questions. Some of these might be a little more personal, is that okay with you?
-Yeah sure, as long as they're not too inappropriate. -Mitch said.
-Okay, so the first one is for Scott: How is it like to hear Mitch singing in the shower every day?
They both laughed.
-Well, when you're living with a diva like Mitch you should know that those are the times when you realize how much she slays. And Mitch always kills it in the shower.- Scott said smiling at Mitch, who had completely lost his breath laughing.
-That is true, I do sing very loudly in the shower.
-Yes, and I don't even know how you do it but you reach all the highest notes when you're singing in the shower. I absolutely love it.
Mitch cleaned the tears off from his eyes. He always cried with laughter, especially when he was around Scott and Kirstie. They all had the same sense of humor and that made them, whenever they were together, the most giggly people on earth.
-In your opinion, who's the craziest one from both of you?
They both stopped to think.
-I think you are, Scott. -Mitch finally said.
-I mean... We're different kinds of crazy though. I guess you're the most irresponsible but I am way more childish than you are.
Mitch agreed.
-Yeah, you are. Always fooling around and making nonsense jokes... That's my Scott. - He smiled.
-And you're also the craziest and most fun person I've ever met. -Scott said. Mitch blushed. - No, for real he's always making fun of everything. It's hilarious, and I always have so much fun hanging out with you. I swear I believe that I wouldn't survive a night out without you between acquaintances.
-Sounds like a good friendship. - Tyler said.
-Yes, it is -They smiled.
Tyler hesitated. He looked like he had something else to say but it just didn't come out of his mouth.
-Now... This is kind of a personal question I've just come up with so feel free not to answer it but are you guys dating?
Both of their expressions changed instantly towards that question.
-Wha...what, no! -Mitch said, giggling nervously.
-Why would you think that? -Scott scratched the back of his head.
-Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that you're holding hands so I thought...
Scott immediately dropped Mitch's hand, and Mitch sat a little further away from him. They didn't want to feel pressured, which now they did.
-Oh, no. We're best friends, nothing more. -Scott explained.
-Yeah, we've just held our hands because we've known each other for so long...
-We're brothers.-Scott concluded.
-Definitely brothers.
-Alright, I get it. I'm so sorry if I've upset you.
-No, it's fine. You didn't. -Mitch clarified.
-I'm glad. Well, I guess I shall take this interview as done.
-Sure - Scott smiled.
-Thanks so much for your time and have a good night.
-Goodnight!-They both said.
Tyler hung up. Mitch and Scott stayed sitting in silence.
-I'm going to bed. -Mitch said. He got up and went to his room, leaving Scott alone on the couch.

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