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Chapter 15

The car ride home was dead silent. Jonah refused to drive so he could text Emi, so Daniel ended up driving with Corbyn in shotgun.

Rebecca was sitting on the left side of the car and fell asleep on Jacks shoulder. Zach was on the other side and also fell asleep on Jack.

They got back home around 3:30 and everyone went inside and took a nap. Rebecca was too tired to change out of her suit so she just threw on some sweatpants and slept for a few hours.

When she finally woke up she took a long shower to think About everything that had happen in the last few days. Rebecca still had feelings for Corbyn but they were all tangled up. Not to mention Jack was hiding something from her. The only people she had completely figured out was Daniel and Jonah. Zach was easy to read, he clearly liked Sadi.

Rebecca decided she needed a girls night so she texted Ava to see if she could come over. Rebecca went downstairs and found that everyone was already up and they were working on a new song.

"You have my focus I can't control it find 

I find your magic

In every moment...

You look so beautiful.

You walked out of a dream 

I never felt this way before

Your eyes are all I need to make for ever feel like just a little while.

I'd walk I'd run I'd even learn to fly.

Just to see you smile."

Rebecca smiled, she already liked the song. She was so proud that their first EP was almost done. Rebecca pulled out the chicken nuggets from the freezer. "Guys I'm making chicken nuggets. Does anyone want any?"

"Yeah!" They all responded and kept working. She put them in the oven with some French fries.

Rebecca looked at her phone to see a text from Ava.

Avanator: id love to but I have a hot date tonight ;)

BBgun: ooooo who????? 

Avanator: it's a secret hehe 🙊🙊🙊

BBgun: plzzzzz

Avanator: I got to get ready see you later 😘

BBgun: have fun 💕

Rebecca sighed and put her phone down. "Well so much for getting out of the house." she thought.

The timer rang and she pulled out the food. "Dinners ready!"

They all put down their stuff and came into the kitchen. "Where's Jack?" Rebecca said looking for her brother. The guys looked at each other like they were hiding something.

"Uhh, the grocery store?" Corbyn said unconvincingly. The rest of the guys glared at him. Daniel hit him in the back of the head.

"Where is Jack?" Rebecca said again. They all stayed quiet until Zach blurred out "He's on a date with Ava."


Double Update!!!!! Yayyyy 😄Thx for everyone reading this it means a lot!!!!




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