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Peter sits in his office chair nervously fiddling with his hands, stressing over his decision to meet his...purchase at work. It would have been so much better to meet at his home, but then he worried about having people in his house, what if things went wrong? He didn't want to be alone when he arrived, needed other people around, so work it was.

Running his hands through his loose curls Peter looked at the clock at his desk, it was 12:27, three minutes until their agreed meeting time. Burying his head between his hands, Peter curled himself into a ball of stress.

What was he thinking, buying someone online just because you're lonely? not a good idea! What a waste of money! Just turn him down before he sits down! He's going to think I'm pat-

" Mr. Penn, a man is waiting outside for you. Should I let him in?" Gina, the personal assistant to the CEO of Penn enterprises cuts Peters racing thoughts off.

He whips his head up so fast he smashes the back of it off the underside of his desk.


"Sir!" Peter puts his hand up to stop Gina from advancing any further.

Rubbing the back of his throbbing head he sighs in defeat. "Thank you for your concern Gina, I'll be fine." He gives her a pained smile. " Let him in.
-But before you get him, how do I look?"

A wide smile pulls across Gina's face,    "Handsome as always sir." Giving him a knowing wink as she leaves.

He scoffs at her answer shaking his head a little, handsome as always my butt!

"What was that you said?" A rich voice brings Peters attention to the man who it came from.

Eyes wide Peter admires the mans very manly man-ness. Strong jawline, Grecian nose, hazel eyes, wavy, dirty blonde hair that was fairly long for a man, plump li- catching himself from going any further (down), Peter clears his throat and makes eye contact with the mans throat. Which he presumed would be a safe spot to look at -it wasn't.

"Ah it was nothing, please take a seat," Semi-standing to point to the seat across his desk, already forgetting his prior plan to turn him away at the door.

Taking the seat the man offered him, Wesley took in the features of his buyer. The man was flushed and obviously trying to control his hands from fidgeting, and his dark curly hair was tussled from being fussed with too much. He smirked at the mans behaviour.

Reaching out to the man opposite him, he offered his hand. "I'm Wesley Anastas, pleasure to meet you, sir."

Peter looked at the hand before him, it was tanned like the rest of him and noticeably bigger than his own. Scared to disgust the gorgeous man with his sweaty palms he first runs them along his suit pants before taking the mans hand.

"Peter Penns," he says, cringing at his own name.

Wesley sits back in his chair looking more comfortable in Peters office then Peter had ever did. Wesley smiles to himself watching the man that supposedly built an empire himself fumble with his hands and refuse to meet his gaze.

"Why did you request my services Mr. Penn, and what would you want our relationship to look like?"

Peter looks up startled by the mans forwardness, " you mean you'd actually be okay with being with me?"

"Well you are paying me.." crossing his eyebrows in confusion at the mans strange response. Peters face falls only slightly but enough for Wesley to catch it. It was part of his job to. "I didn't mean l-"

"-I want to have sex before I die, that's why." Peter says harshly and a little too quickly.

"There's cheaper ways to loose your virginity than supporting a sugar baby," Wesley says in earnest.

Peter shifted, uncomfortable with talking about his sex life or lack there of. At 32 years old and still very much a virgin. Peter felt like he was the most undesirable man on the planet.

"Oh okay," Peter said simply looking down at his lap.

Wesley looks at the insecure man in front of him and wonders how he was able to make a business while being so timid.

"I'm just saying, if you're paying me to be your sugar baby I'm going to do more than fuck you," Wesley said leaning forward and lowering his voice to make it sound even more sinful than it already did.

Peter's mouth pops open in shock, quickly shaking his head to get the perverted thoughts out. His face felt like it would rival that of the suns heat. All he wanted was to curl up into himself and save him the embarrassment of his being -which was a very common feeling got him.

"Oh, okay," Peter says to his lap, the embarrassment making it impossible to meet the mans eyes.

Wesley gets up and stalks around the desk and he places two hands firmly on the arms of the chair caging the shaking smaller man between his powerful arms. "If you're paying me to do this at least make it seem like you want it."

Before he knew what he was doing, Peter shot out his arms, effectively pushing the man onto the floor.

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